I love this project.
It’s fast, cheap, easy, AND it’s fun to say aloud: obmre chrysanthemums.
Chrysanthemum is one of my favorite words of all time. I like the way it requires you to scrape your tongue across the back of your teeth to pronounce it properly. Chrysanthemum. Why people feel compelled to shorten their name to mums is beyond me. What’s the fun in that?
And, for another thing, it is one of the few multisyllabic words I enjoy spelling. I like the way it breaks down: Chry-san-the-mum. For someone with lousy spelling skills, such as moi, this is a good one. There is a scene in Anne of Green Gables where Anne wins a spelling competition when Gilbert Blythe and Prissy Andrews fail to spell it correctly. In this way, I feel Anne and I are superior and kindred spirits in every way. Obviously. Never mind I still can’t spell catalogue to save my life, I feel very accomplished when I type out chrysanthemum and that indignant red wiggly spellchecker line doesn’t pop up.

I was all set to show this to guys last week, but then I decided it was missing something. It was too orange. Too big. Too blah. So I moved version one to my *closet and made the second, smaller version.
*Can I just take a sec to point out that I even have a closet that can hold a giant chrysanthemum lantern? A year ago I couldn’t even fit something like this in my bedroom, much less my closet. Why, hello, fancy pants.
What’s the difference between the two versions? It’s all about where you dye the filters. here, this should explain:
Coffee filters: $2.00 (tip: I buy packs of 700 coffee filters at Costco $2.50)
Required quantity varies. I used 50 for a 8” lantern, and 300+ for a 20” lantern.
Dye: $4.00 per bottle
I used Rit liquid fabric dye because I wanted a rich, vibrant orange and I have found (through much experimentation, I might add) that nothing else produces saturated orange/red colors like this dye. If you are looking to produce a pastel/muted shade, food coloring or watered down acrylic paint will do the trick fine enough.
Paper Lantern: $3.00
You can find these all over the place. Target just started carrying them in their party section, and Ikea carries some as big as a Labradors.
White Glue: $1.00
Hot glue will speed things up, but I have found from previous projects that it gives way after a few months (so that’s not a problem if you are making this for a party). Simple white glue from the dollar store will get the job done.
Instructions for this are like an enlarged version of the hydrangeaI showed a few weeks ago; cut the flowers, dip them in glue and stick them on the lamp. That’s it! It’s hard to mess up. If your lantern base is big enough, you could get a few kids working on this at the same time.
I swear, Lola is like Paris Hilton when it comes to taking photographs. Soon as she hears the shutter click, she comes running.
Have a great weekend!
I’m not sure what i loved the most. Your chubby cat, the name of the chubby cat, or the amazingly clever and pretty lanterns. So creative!
Do you do anything with the hole on top or bottom or just leave them open? Great project
Do you do anything with the hole on top or bottom or just leave them open? Great project
AWW…Miss Peaches, you just made my night. I know I am WAY, WAY behind on your blog right now (please forgive – haven’t been feeling well). I can’t believe you read my post about the coffee filters, much less actually DID a project for me :). I’m smileing ear to ear right now like a silly little kid..lol :). When you posted you were having a bit of a problem last week…I NEVER doubted you. I knew you would make something just beautiful…& you did!!! I know it’s not JUST for me…(but it makes me feel special)…I ‘ll share with your other readers…..maybe….lol
I totally didn’t realize that adding coffee filters would increase the diameter a lot! 😀 I can’t wait till I do my big one. I have no idea what I’m doing with them. I think one will go in my room. 🙂 Also, think I’ve over done it with the coffee filter density? 🙂 I still like it, just curious…
I am totally mystified by the word ‘ombre’ though! Can’t make any sense of it.
Another WIN!
And my kids love Lola.
I love Lola! She is the “Joe Cool” of cats. And wow that is beautiful, version two is my fave. Not sure where I would put mine at. Hmm.
as always fabulous Friday flowers!!
The spelling bee scene from Anne of Green Gables begins to play instantly in my head every time I hear the word chrysanthEmum.
Love it and just in time! I’ve got a party coming up where this will come in handy. On another note, Lola has a lovely coat. What’s her (your) secret? It seems like a constant battle with my long-hair kitty.
I love it, absolutely beautiful. I think I may run to Costco tomorrow.
Hi Peaches! Have you read the children’s book called Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes? You just might be the lead character Chrysanthemum, who loves her name, or you might be the musice teacher Mrs. Delphinium Twinkle. Then again, you remind me some of Lily with the Purple Plastic Purse, which is another one of his books. All wonderfully creative and fun!
Well, my goodness. Who knew? They’re lovely
I just made a whole heap of smaller chrysanthemum fkiwers,with tissue paper, for a kids party. Thanks for sharing an idea for expanding this idea. I even have the lanterns here already. So wonderful to have you here as a source of inspiration.
Love this!
Too orange…? Did I hear Miss Peaches, the Queen of Eclectic Decor, say something was “too orange”…? Now I’m gonna be listening for trumpets from heaven all day.
Pretty-ful!! xo
I love this and your directions are so clear and easy to follow. Thank you so much!
I cannot say the word “chrysanthemum” without thinking of that showdown between Anne and Gil! Love it.
Haha. Forgive me, nothing is ever *too orange* …more likely, the room around couldn’t handle the audacious orangeness of it all.
hells yeah – this is a beautiful project idea. And I love that your header laments the fact that rhinestonecatlady.com was taken. 🙂
onewordgallery.blogspot.com oops
So cute! Lola made me smile. I have 2 just like her in gray. Pretty project – MUST make it 🙂
I love this! They are so full of texture! Thanks for sharing!
Just made my own! I used purple food coloring, but it turned out more pink. And I didn’t cut my petals the same way, so it looks a bit different, but I’m going to make another and try to do it more like yours. I love it though!
Oh wow, a lot of work. But it looks great! I love it.
I love this & am going to try it for sure. Thank You so much!
I love the vibrant colour. You’ve provided really great pics to guide me through too. I love this project! http://janesapple.com
I love this! I came across this looking for some Chrysanthemum inspired projects, and this is exactly what I was looking for! I’m decorating my daughter’s room, and since her name is Chrysanthemum, thought that she would enjoy something like this! Thank you for sharing this! Can’t wait to try it out!
I found this while looking for flower inspired projects, and it is exactly what I’m looking for! My daughter’s name is Chrysanthemum and she would love this! Can’t wait to try it out!
What kind of cruel person would name their daughter Chrysanthemum? Poor kid.
Love the chandeliers though!
Kitty is too cute! Gret project
Did you use Rit Tangerine?
I believe so, but it’s been years now. It was the only orange Rit carried at that time.