I was busy making a Friday Flower project last night when it took a turn for the worse. I am still hoping to resurrect it from the bowels of craft failure, but until then, the best I can give you is a sneak peek:
The NATO summit takes place in Chicago this weekend and protesters have been pouring in for days. It’s weird. Sometimes I see them clustered in sleeping bags under the train tracks. Sometimes I see pictures on the news of the riots that took place at previous NATO summits and think, How could these people in sleeping bags be preparing to set fires and loot and throw bags of poo? They just want to get their point across. They just need their voice to be heard. We should be saluting them for their determination to speak out for the little guy. Where is our tolerance?
*Something they don’t teach you in Kindergarten: If you are going to commit a crime, like defacing property etc., avoid doing it on government property because, if/when you are arrested, the sentencing will likely be harsher than if you committed the same crime on private property. At least that is what my Anarchist lawyer friend informed me on Facebook last week. And yes, there are Anarchist lawyers. Weird, right?
Looking for something fun to do or read? Here are some of my random favorites this week:
- Two words my friends: Cupcake Fondue.
- Zip ties + chicken wire = awesome lampshade.
- The best photography tip-sheet I have seen in a long time.
- Make your own leopard print cardigan.
- Am I the last person on the planet to know that Orla Kileyand Diane Keaton are selling lines at Bed Bath Beyond?
- Nine dangerous things you were taught in school (how I wish someone had showed this to me 20 years ago).
Wow..glad I’m in Chapel Hill!
Denita Ruhnow
Yeesh, there’s protesting, and then there’s acting like a complete crazed poo-flinging gorilla on methamphetamine because you disagree with something. This is Option number 2. Complete with Number Two. Ewwww.
I’m glad those board are covering the mural. There are people willing to spray-paint that in the name of “defiance”.
That sounds terrifying! And that beautiful mosaic being covered up is a tragedy; it’s beauty should always be available to the public. I’ve never been to Chicago, but it sounds incredible.
My friend Rose and I are hosting a crafty challenge of sorts we’re calling Articipate. We’d love it if you join us. It seems right up your alley. Check out the description here: http://tobefrankblog.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/introducing-articipate/
Stay Safe and have a great weekend.
My husband will be downtown patroling, twelve hour shifts. It’s going to be a long weekend, stay safe Chicago Police!
Me too! Well… Carrboro lol
kelly gibson
man. the chagall covered in plywood (?) is a statement in itself, isn’t it?
Heather M.
When we had the riots in Vancouver last year because of the Stanley Cup loss, we had people who came in solely to riot. They didn’t care about the game. I imagine it was the same with the Seattle May Day riots a couple of weeks ago. It is unfortunate that there are people who delight in violence and destruction but hopefully they are a small minority.
It is sometimes a sad and scary world we live in. I think the only statement poo and destroying things to make a point only indicates the point they are making them is they have not progressed beyond a 7th grade mentality. It isn’t the “man” that has to clean it up the messes, it is the low paying under appreciated worker bees – they are only bringing down the already oppressed. If they want to make more of in impact, dress up and lobby a congressman.
Sad about the mural, but uess it is better to be overly prepared and not need it than not and be sorry.
Carol Taylor
Hi Aunt Peaches, I read this post this morning and it has been heavy on my heart all day. I hope the weekend passes without damage. My husband, of 44 years, and I will be making our first trip to Chicago next month. It sounds like such a beautiful city. I will definitely be looking for The Four Seasons mosaic while we are there. I’ll keep an eye out for you eating lunch in the plaza.
Carol in Southern California
Bonnie Nicol
Oh Aunt Peaches
I am such a fan of yours funny how we are both struggling with paper flowers this week. I am heading to the North American capital of riots – Montreal in a few weeks. My husband and I have been planning this trip for 2 years. In the olden days we used to protest in the most respectful way with no violence. I hope Chicago will be okay.
Mod Podge Amy
I’m more of the peace loving protester, like sit-ins or marches, etc. When WTO came to Seattle, they destroyed the downtown area, and I’m not a big fan of destruction of private property that we all enjoy to get a point across. Just like the mosaics. When people destroy art to prove a point I want to kick them in the nuts.