Once in a while I’ll get an email from someone asking where I put all the stuff I use to make the craft projects that appear on this blog. And since I openly admit to being a slob with some serious hoarding tendencies, I can’t blame folks for being curious to see what things look like off camera. Perhaps they suspect I am secretly collecting newspapers in the bathtub or stacking jars of expired pickle products along the stairs.
Kiki calls it my junk yard. I call it The Jungle.
17. Lightweight Cardboard Boxes: polyhedron decorations, notebooks, a stampede
Now what do we have here….
Looks to me like someone has room for growth. Woot!
Quick, give me more ideas on stuff to make. Or better yet, stuff to collect.
Candace Jedrowicz
Phew! I’m glad the pickle situation on under control! You’re so funny!
What a great idea! I’m going to take my time, click on & explore each project! I’d love to borrow the idea for my blog, if that’s okay. I’ll link to this page if I do.
You rock!
Oh my goodness, are your cabinets covered in newspaper?! That is so fabulous- is that Hilary on the drawer?
oops, I should have read a little closer…I see you already know how to do that!
#12 – Deli Containers – if they are marked #6 recycle-able plastic, they make awesome Shrinky Dinks. Truly! Color them with Sharpies, cut them out, punch a hole in them if desired, stick in the oven and shrink them down.
bottle caps, corks, twist ties, anything that would be make a good pattern for stamping, security envelopes, bottles to etch, matchboxes, coffee stained coffee filters (rinse well before drying), Parmesan rinds for soup, foil candy wrappers, rubber bands…and when you’re feeling crafty, would you mind making this for me from egg cartons? (I think the insides would be lovely gilded with gold paint.)
Kl Sprowl
Gosh, looks like my hall closet (any in a few cabinets and parts of my garage). I am glad I am not the only one that saves stuff like that.
Don’t forget the Pringles cans (great for decorating like giant candy and giving cookies – Dollar Store Crafts also had a cool tutorial for making a tier trinket box too), the rings off of bottles (saw a tutorial for making mini dreamcatchers) out of them, empty envelopes from junk mail (to sew together and save small patterns and stencils), heavier paper from junkmail (to make paper beads), cardboard circles off of pizza (can be used for a variety of things – recently used on to make a “Burned At The Stake Barbie” display, and cereal boxes (make great magazine or paper organizers). Might want to save a few boxes from soft drinks – great for making “pop art” (pun intended) projects – I have made notebooks and Easter baskets out of them in the past.
It´s 3 o´clock in the night and I can´t stop reading blog – I mean reading, not only looking at some pictures….