I had big plans for a New Year project featuring confetti but then a Julie Andrews marathon came on the TV. There went my Sunday.
Honestly, how is one supposed to craft with Julie being all Mary Poppins and nun like and such? You can’t just Climb Every Mountain and use scissors at the same time. That’s just flat out unsafe.
Since I had already made three pounds tissue paper confetti, I decided it was going to be used elsewhere. Somewhere. So this weekend I made about five different things. Prepare yourself to get confettid out! You’ll see the rest of them later, but for now, while my carpet looks like the aftermath of a clown convention, I thought I’d start easy: a mirror.
Instructions on this are easy.
Just smear the frame in a heavy coat of glue, pour on the confetti and call it a day. The only trick is to use thick white glue (I am fond of Aileen’s Quick Dry Tacky Glue), and not the regular school stuff, otherwise the water in the glue will sink in the tissue and it will flatten out into mush and bleed pigment all over the place. Pleasant.
After letting it dry overnight, I ran my fingers all over the surface to get off the loose bits. I even grazed it with the vacuum cleaner hose just to be sure. How often does one implement the vacuum cleaner in the artistic process? Not often enough!
Likey! Just the project for my four-year-old daughter — one she can actually do herself, and not just say that she can!
I once used (golden) alphabet noodles for framedipping experiments.
Tooooo cute! You guys sure look like you had fun. Oh snow days…
Hey, Nut, fans of Auntie Peaches are of like mind! I immediately thought “beads”, as well!! They reside in abundance, here at the Old Homestead. The GrandLoves can make Valentine frames/cards/mirrors… whatever… and I’m thinkin’ to mix some paint into the old glue, for interesting coverage. Will link to my blog photos, when we’ve accomplished…. thanks for the inspiration, Peaches. xo Nicki
Thanks, Auntie Peaches! We had a snow day yesterday and thought of you. Of course, I credited you in my blog!! http://nickicarm.blogspot.com/2013/01/snow-day-confetti.html
Oh dear, I should have included a disclaimer, no? Cats and glue don’t mix. đŸ™‚
Step 1) Prepare workspace.
Step 2) Remove cat from workspace.
Step 3) Start spreading glue on bare frame.
Step 4) Remove cat from frame and carry into bathroom.
Step 5) Wash the glue from cat’s feet. Better wash all 4 of them since you can’t be certain which ones got the glue when she jumped up on the table top.
Step 6) Let wiggling cat go and return to workspace.
Step 7) Pick up other cat and carry into bathroom.
Step 8) Wash other cat’s tail because she was sitting on the workspace with her back to you but her tail was across the glue.
Yeah, I think I’ll file this project in the to do some time in the future list.
Amazing mirror. But those door hooks… I need. From whence came they?
Anthropologie. I Got them on clearance in store 6 years ago but I think they still have them online. Do you have World Market by you? They also have a similar but smaller version for half the price. I’m thinking of getting a few for my bathroom. Those little touches of black and white stripe make such a difference!
Looking into this mirror would brighten anyone’s day for sure. đŸ™‚
Nice! I wonder if you could try this using all those little seed beads that we have when we tried to make Native American beaded things.
that’s just beautiful Peaches! Happy New Year, eh?
What a beautiful object! And once again you elevate the simplest of materials.
holy smokes this looks like so much fun đŸ™‚
I seriously love this….pinned!
I honestly never thought I would snort while reading a crafting blog but this? This right here? “You can’t just Climb Every Mountain and use scissors at the same time. That’s just flat out unsafe.” Yeah, that’s awesome. Also,Debra Montague’s comment about the cats? Yeah, that’s my life. They ignore me all the time and then show up whenever I’m trying to craft.
They also have a similar but smaller version for half the price.