Let’s be clear on this: I do not knit.
Lots of my friends knit. I like knit wear. I like knit people. For me, mere knowledge of someone’s knitting ability will spark my interest in them as a friend. I like people who knit almost as much as I like people with cats. And that is a lot. On the rare occasion I should meet someone who enjoys knitting and cats, they are instantly recruited into a special club of my own creation, complete with hats and secret handshakes. A club so special, so exclusive, nobody knows of its existence except for me. And you. And all the other crazy cat ladies wearing rainbow-plush eyelash yarn scarves that would put Bill Cosby to shame. We are the Free Masons of homespun craft goods. I could get cut out just for talking about it on the internet. Shhhh….
Did I mention we have hats?
But, you guys. I know you guys. I know there are knitters out there in my silent reader rough. Perhaps you haven’t joined my secret club yet, but believe me, I know what you like. You like chocolate. You like crafts. You like cats. You like sexy men who knit.
Let’s talk about it.
Everybody knows that crafty ladies love Ryan Gosling. Maybe it’s because he is so handsome. Maybe it’s because he starred in The Notebook. Maybe it’s because he is waaaay wholesome and counts Mormons and Mousketeers as family. Maybe it’s his Rad As Hell early 90’s dance moves. Hard to say. But knitting most definitely has something to do with it.
Gosling picked up knitting on the set of Lars and the Real Girl (a great movie, btw) while spending the day on set in a retirement home surrounded by old ladies.
Okay, seriously, for a second here, try to imagine you are sitting around your nursing home one day and all the sudden, Ryan Gosling, in all his buffed out arms and peanut butter hair glory, comes up and says, “Hey Granny, teach me to cast on.”
And Ryan ain’t the only one…
Sufjan Stevens
Between hipsters and God there is Sufjan Stevens. An indie, folksy, banjo busting, butterfly wing wearing composer/musician/singer-songwriter to end the turgid uncoolness that is singer-songwriter music. His album, Illinois, is a wintertime favorite of mine, as is his anthology of Christmas music, as is just about everything he touches. Can you tell I’m a fan? I’m a fan. I said it. He is also something of an enigma which makes people like me even more fascinated with what little tid-bits of his personal history are made available, such as, whoa – prepare yourself – he was a freelance knitter for Martha Stewart.
And you thought you knew how to waffle stitch.
Y’all, did you see Les Mis?
Everyone I knew was all HE CAN’T EVEN SING! Why did they cast him?! He should just go back to being a gladiator, that sadass Russell Crowe.
It broke my heart. This man sung his little Australian guts out and everyone was being such a shadenfruede because Hugh Jackman looked better by comparison. Poor Russell Crowe. I like him. I like his voice. I’ll bet he likes cats and stuff too. And he knits.
Ughhhh, I just want to give him a hug and make him soup.
Some reports indicate Crowe took up knitting as a way to deal with anger management issues, while others report it’s just a rumor that resulted from the photo above. I’m not sure. He still makes it look sexy, and that’s enough for me. And you. Oh Hell, Russel Crowe is sexy enough for all of us.
Did you know David Arquette is an avid knitter? So much so, he graced the cover of Celebrity Scarves 2. And here I was blown away by literary force that was Celebrity Scarves 1.
Odd Fact About David Arquette: In addition to his acting chops, he is a WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Yes, a wrestler who knits. Who knew?
So there you go, my friends. Four sexy famous celebrity men who knit. Mind = Blown.
Next time on Aunt Peaches’ Hollywood Craftastic, Sexy celebrity men WHO CROCHET.
Update: Through various comments here, on facebook, and by email, it has been brought to my attention that many other famous men can knit (or, at least they have been seen knitting one time or another). Including but not limited to; Tom Hanks, Cary Grant, George Lucas, Ewan McGregor, Rosey Grier, Jacques Plante (hockey player), Laurence Fishburne…the sexyness never ends!
Haha… I need to see that picture. Ryan should be worried!
I have to disagree w Pierce Brosnan though. It took me YEARS to get back to properly swooning over Colin Firth thanks to Mama Mia. Pierce is going to take a little more time. Even ABBA was in the doghouse for a while, and I adore ABBA.
http://handmaderyangosling.tumblr.com/image/18495217112 He’s so beautiful. I have a love hate relationship with Tim Holtz. Trips to the scrapbook store usually end with me silently cursing his name and saying he is evil. I covet everything he releases, except maybe the scary doll parts and the serial killer stamp.
Sorry to say but Russell Crowe does not knit. He has stated this was only a pose for a photo shoot. He is however, still sexy as all get out!
I was almost certain Crowe wasn’t a knitter. The way he is holding the needle in his right hand and poking it haphazardly into the piece was my reason for doubting. It has that distinctly “posed” look which is usually the giveaway.
I’m not convinced that Rosey Grier knitted or crocheted, either. There are no solid statements from him nor are there any pictures of him knitting or crocheting that I can find. In this article http://www.lionbrand.com/blog/from-football-to-needlecraft/#sthash.pbvSejfC.dpbs
the author states right out that Rosey didn’t knit or crochet.
He certainly did. Needlepoint, also. I can remember my mom talking about it when he was on a talk show, way back in the day. Also remember him answering the question, “is it true”. When asked why he started knitting, it was for therapy, and he found it so relaxing and satisfying, he continued. He even gave a few pointers. I remember my mom laughing and saying she wished she’d known that when she’d knitted a baby sweater for me that would’ve fit a baby orangutan. I wish I could give you more specifics, but I was a kid and that’s as much as I remember. You can Google Rosie Greer knitting images. There are plenty. Needlepointing, too. 😉
now i have a case for our friendship: i knit. i have 3 cats (and 2 dogs). i love your blog.
Ooh, ooh, ooh!! I have two cats and I totally knit too!!!! Can I be in your secret club, pleeaase? Oh, and I also have all my grandmother’s hats, mostly from the 40s … 🙂 Plus … I just love your blog, it makes me happy every day (except when it makes me cry).
Nope, can you imagine a leopard knitted bow tie on Mr. Goodwill Hunting? What about a thin knitted leopard belt over a black silk faille skirt?
Badges. Tons of stinking badges.
As for leopard yarn…. Hmmm. That is a tough one. What CAN’T one make w leopard yarn?
I’m thinking formal wear.
Aunt Peaches, Rosie Greer was a. Pro football player.
Needlepoint football player?
*Off to google image search*
What do you call that delay in response when you are driving, like a car stutter? Then you try to signal to the other car that you are sorry, but they can’t see you through your tinted windows! I wish there was a car signal for I”m Sorry, I’m Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking? Maybe wagging the side view mirrors? I’m not big for sequins, but I do like big diamond earrings. I love the fact that some men cook, paint, make their own clothes, do needlepoint, etc. Shows that they are secure. Did you know that a few bloggers are selling their modernistic paintings? Style 42? and that creepy My Favorite and My Best. You could do that. Other things we should have words for. High heeled shoes where the bottom of the heel above the little black tip rides up on the base of the heel and you can see it. Or what do you call people who wear those? Really cheap and wornout handbag wearers? Throw them away! People who pretend to have couth and grace and don’t know squat because they don’t even know how to set the table. I laugh when I see those tablescapes with four dishes stacked up. I’m really snarky today. I had a person give me foot reflexology last week for two appointments. My massage therapist used this lady when she hurt her back at work. She was off work for three weeks and had to get physical therapy. The foot person cured her of pain. She saw her this year to tune up the back and work on her hands which get tired from massaging all the time. This lady, Dawn found all sorts of problems just rubbing my feet. The main one was in the lungs. I have been having a hard time lately breathing after exercise. So we’ll see how this all works out in the body. She also worked on my TMJ just rubbing my feet and hands. It was amazing. Really. She said that I had some problems in my spine and that’s where depression comes from. She also said I should get outside about noon every day and also go look at brightly colored things like art. Sure, there aren’t that many places around here. I am going to work on my hands myself. She said you didn’t have to have arthritis in your hands, it’s just a reflection of the inflammation in your body. I am slowly starting to do more things around here. I have been painting a piece of furniture, wrote some checks, and finally, finally, got to the post office. I should be ashamed of myself. I think I will send next years presents to you in April. Then I will be current. So I sent a small package today. Need to send the large package still. The things that are loose I was going to paint more and make them personalized, but I thought you could do that better than I could. The other item that is not wrapped, I made. It is very easy to make those things. Got to go and do at least one more thing while I am alert. Still can’t sign up for email for your strangers blog. How are the numbers? What are you going to invent this year? When I get home, I would like to plan a patio behind my kitchen. I have lots of flagstones or bluestones to use. I would also like to make a fairy garden. I am going to take a picture of my dog for dog shaming. I took the younger dog to the dog acupuncturist yesterday. The older dog had to stay home all by herself. She was not happy. She ATE a hole 8 inches in diameter in my antique New England wool rag rug that is about 12 by 15. Ate it down to the rug pad. Now I have to move it around to see if I can hide the hole under a piece of furniture. Seems like your Christmas went alright, right? Is your aunt those kids mother? or a great-aunt? Okay, on to more stuff. Ann
I like the word schadenfreude — in part bc it’s so fun to say — in part bc I know so many of them. As you say, it is a very American past time. Actually…I’m thinking of writing a post about things that we should have words for. Hmmm….
I have heard Warm Up America does cool stuff. I’m glad a place like that exists. If they ever come around to Sequins for America, I’m in!
True. Cats need to respect the way of the yarn. It’s an honorable, loosing battle.
Do we get badges in this club? Also, I don’t know if you saw my comment a while back, but I’ve got this ball of leopard velour yarn that is sitting, sad and forlorn, in my knitting basket, and I need to know what to do with it. Someone, anyone, what’s to be done with this yarn? It needs PURPOSE.
The mom saw that episode of Johnny Carson,but she never knew Rosie ever came out as gay…love the word idea!
Being a knitter and having a cat leads to problems, because wherever Chai happens to be, if I pull out that ball of yarn he’ll appear, eager to kick it. Or eat it.
Hi there, I’m wispering this in case any one is listening.I knit, I adore cats, and as for hats, I have vinatage hats from 1918, and also the 20s and 30s.Do I qualify as a member of your delightful sounding club? Lesley UK
Club membership approved!!
Love this post! I’ve taught most of my men how to cast on… and they really do end up loving it
Oy! Ha! Indeed, that would be a VERY different film….
I have not been a reader very long but this is my favorite post to date. I’m going to look up this Sufjan Stevens bloke and find out why you drool over his music. The rest of the lot, well, I’ll bet they are nice people, usually. I crochet. Can you find smexy men who crochet?
I remember when it was discovered that Roosevelt Grier, that huge football player, did needlepoint. (Now THAT dates me.) We crafty ladies shouldn’t think it uncommon that gentlemen also participate in our crafts. But I will admit, if a sexy guy asked my recommendations on which DMC color would work best for the sky in his counted cross-stitch, I probably couldn’t form a complete sentence.
Schadenfreude, pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. We should have a more American word for what is often an American pastime. You don’t knit? You should learn so you can knit some squares for afghans for WarmUpAmerica. It is a good way to pass time, especially on the train. You knit something about 7 by 7 inches. You sew them together, or mail them to WarmUpAmerica and they will sew them together. They give them to the homeless and the cold. My daughter went to high school in western Maine. The school had its own ski jump. Men and women knit during faculty meetings. I think it was part a Scandanavian influence, part the need to make warm hats. I need to learn crocheting and also finger knitting. Try it. You will really enjoy it! Rosie Grier was a friend of Robert Kennedy. He was on Johnny Carson showing his needlepoint. He came out as gay in the last ten years, not that there is any correlation between the two. I have met people who knit tiny blankets for hospitals to wrap stillborn babies in. We need more hobbies in America, instead of spending all our time in front of a TV, video game or computer.
Here’s to sexy men who knit!
p.s. The Ryan Gossling movie is Lars and the Real Girl, not Lars in the Real Girl. That sounds like it would be a completely different film. 😉
I would love to knit but can’t because of the carpal tunnel. It is stupid and aggravated b things like that (and cross-stitch). So instead I just stick with drooling over my friend’s Pinterest board. I’ve not seen Les Mis yet but you know, Pierce Brosnan can’t sing either and I still loved him in Mama Mia. I’m not sure I can see it, even though I am required by law to see every musical ever (it’s a weird law. No one else seems to have to stick to it) because the crying would be great. One of the best handmade Ryan Gosling pictures I ever saw was the one where he’s saying “Hey, girl, who’s this Tim Holtz guy? Should I be jealous?” Loved it!
Soooo..I just discovered your page..you’re hilarious, have lots of awesome posts, and won’t judge me for being a crazy cat lady! I love that all these hot guys knit..almost as much as I love knitting, crocheting, my cats, and new friends 🙂
Ahhh, Le Swoon
You had me at Ryan Gosling and Peanut Butter.
Just wanted to let you know that I’m one of the many military men who crochet… Retired after 24 years active service, I can make more of my Rose Afghans each year…
Love it! Happy Veteran’s day, John!