I have decided that the hallmark of adulthood is a decent set of matching hangers. Normally I am opposed to anything “matching” but hangers seem a logical place to start. Plus the nice lady on the Home Shopping Network had a gentle voice and tap-tappy fingernails that make me think a super-slim set of clothes hangers will make me feel better about my clothes and thereby will make me feel better in my clothes. Now I type that out and realize I may have been hornswaggled.
Well. Just the same. I have some extra non-matching hangers about the house. Pinterest tells me there’s all kinds of coolness to be had.
1. Drill in some eye hooks and bam it’s an earring organizer.
2. Your sunglasses deserve better than your junk drawer.
4. Add sequins and it’s a nifty anti-frame art display.
5. Add shower curtain rings and it’s a scarf rack.
6. Saw and drill up a nifty coat rack.
I can’t write anymore. That sweater hanging trick done went and blew my mind.
I did know that I could hand sweaters, I do it all the time, just not that way 😉
All the other ideas are great though! We have one totally empty wall in our bedroom and I think hanger art would be great for that.
Cheers, Anni
I’ve seen another use for idea #5. For all you who have lots of knit camisoles, place the shoulder straps thru the curtain rings and hang on the hanger. Saves drawer space for other items that are best folded.
Good idea!
I love the idea with the shower curtain rings. I have a slight scarf obsession and having them all piled up in a box is maybe not the best storage option. Thanks, Peaches!
Agreed! My scarf situation is pretty ugly. I was thinking of using the rings on a big rod though — more room for the good stuff 🙂
I hear you with the scarf abusement issue… And we recently moved to our current place so you can imagine my scarves are not very happy to be thrown around which happens to them every day lately.
I use the sweater trick ALL THE TIME. It’s the best.
I’ve done #4 with fancy pants hangers (they’re like $2.25 for 2 nice wooden hangers.) for mini quilts and other art 🙂
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