Eating watermelon makes me feel like a rebel. Easily, it is the most badass fruit.
See, I don’t know about you, but I grew up in a “no eating watermelon in the house” type of house. Too messy. Too sticky. First you give a kid a slice of watermelon, next you find slimy black seeds in the sock drawer. No good. My parents were hardly neat-nicks but that was one battle they refused to wage. Watermelons were only for outdoor consumption. In the summer. Preferably in a swim suit or something suitable for a good hose down. One time, at a birthday party, while wearing a nice dress, I ate a whole slice by myself and didn’t get anything on me. It was amazing. You know how in the movies when people rob liquor stores and then the hop in the getaway car and pound their chests and jump and holler all crazy like? Yeah. That’s what it felt like. Watermelon! Indoors, baby!
Well, this isn’t like that. You don’t actually have to eat watermelon to get your fix. Inside or out. This tablecloth is easy to make in an afternoon. It requires almost zero technical skills and could make a great way to kill an afternoon with a couple of munchkins. Go check out the tutorial to see how it’s done. Feel free to make it inside while eating something messy.
Go on now. Be a rebel!
Oh, by golly this is cute! In red with bright green rinds would be super cute.
Watermelon was one of the great treats at the grandparents’ house–a big ol’ Black Diamond from their garden, being eaten outside, under the patio cover, in 95 degree heat. There ain’t nuthin’ better. (Black Diamond is a common variety in the southern plains, and it’s good eatin’.)
This is so Summer. Love the settings.Now, I need a watermelon fix.
I love this and I wanna stamp some fabric for a summer dress!
We also had to eat it outside in our swimsuits. ahhhh the memories…..
What a fruity fun summer table cloth. Love this for a summer BBQ.