Hot and bothered, August is known as the only month without holidays. What’s up with that?
As a kid that bugged me. Could they not come up with a holiday for August? Were they waiting for someone to die so they could be commemorated? Why would there be no big hoopla August holiday? As an adult, I’m over it. But, when you think of it, there are more important things to celebrate in August than any other month of the year. For example:
–Left Handers Day
–National Middle Child Day
-Davy Crocket’s birthday
–National Rootbeer Float Day
-The 147th anniversary of Thomas Edison’s patent for his Kinetoscope
– Prime time television no longer sucks
– Back to school supplies are dirt cheap
Yeah, baby! August has a lot to celebrate.
As part of Michaels Makers back to school challenge, I decided to make over my school supplies using some awesome tapes with nifty colors and patterns. Because, honestly, even if I have long out-grown my Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper (YOU GUYS – IT WAS SO COOL!)…I am still using binders and notebooks on a daily basis. Why should they not be decked out and snazzed up? Who says adults have to miss out on the fun?
A couple weeks ago I bought a bunch of duck tape to make this desktop organizer using old cereal boxes (FYI: it came out pretty rad) and I have been on a tape kick ever since. You will find all sorts of tapes at Michael’s big honking duct tape in crazy patterns, colored masking tape, as well as tiny little rolls of washi tape. Mix them altogether and pair with your favorite school supply, you are ready to rock and roll!
Binders are super easy…
The edges can get a bit ragged so I cover them up with a single vertical line of gold tape on the inside. It lends a special touch and will increase durability for years to come.
If I was still in school, that inside flap is probably where I would tape down my class schedule. As I am not in school, this is where I would insert coupons for unglamorous things like mouthwash and tampons. So beat that, Lisa Frank!
And this is where I keep my pencils. All you need is a plastic baggie with a slide lock closure.
Tip: Getting the tape to stick to the bag nicely is much easier when you lay it on a flat surface.
Another Tip: You can add a 1″ flap of of heavy duty tape to the bottom of the bag, then punch three holes in it and keep it in your binder. COLOR ME NIFTY!
I’m not sure what this is for but I made it out of the cardboard tube leftover after I finished off a roll of tape. Recyclin’. Haayy.
Are you looking for more tricked out school supplies? Check out Michaels’ Back to School Pinterest Boardto find project ideas to kick the year off in style!
Check out these creative ideas from some of the other Michael’s Makers.
August is my birthday (tomorrow actually). I’m still waiting for the rest of the world to get on board and start celebrating 😉
I’m on board! Cake for everyone!!
Way fun binders – and that pencil case is pretty cool, never would have thought to alter the bag size like that!
You are really stretching this duct tape shit arent you?
Yup! And I have several more in the pipeline. It’s great stuff.
Wow…what a comment! Hey……Peaches! Stretched duct tape might turn into something cool, too! Bet you could create something totally rad! You are GREAT that way! –Erik
You are so awesome! School supplies are always so boring or cutesy – this is a great way to customize. Great idea!
I really like this idea especially now that I found pink flamingo duct tape!
Theses are such fun Ideas as no one might no I’m still in high school i will be a shophomore so i love theses ideas
LOVE your Back To School binder makeovers! I’ll be using the “Stick Together” Duck Tape for my bulletin board for school/work.
As an August birthday baby, I celebrate my birthday as THE August holiday! The rest of the world will catch on, lol.
August is everybody’s birthday in my family. So another holiday CAN AFFORD IT. LOL
Oh my gosh. I use pouches in my purse to keep things organized, but they’re insanely spendy. I’m buying a box of plastic bags and a roll of glitter tape and decorating.