Two things I can never get enough of: frosting and rhinestone skulls.
I needed something to coordinate with my Liberace gourds, naturally, and since sugar skulls are all the rage, this needed to happen. He’s out on the bookshelf now but I’m thinking he may need to stay out year round. Nothing says Christmas like a crystal skull!
I must give credit where credit is due — I totally stole this idea from this crystal skull I saw on Cathie and Steve’s Facebook page. I don’t think they will mind me telling you because I’m also going to tell you about their product, which is my new favorite thing: Mod Podge Collage Clay.
Mod Podge Collage Clay goes on like frosting but it’s a actually a glue. A puffy, air-dry glue. If you have ever made mosaics using tile adhesive and grout (love the look – hate the process) you are going to LOVE THIS STUFF. It comes in a tube, like frosting, with tips, like frosting, in pink or white…like frosting. Dries light weight but heavy duty enough to hold your stuff in place. I picked some up at Michael’s for $10 (now on sale in stores only for $5.99), and used a little more than half the tube to cover this basketball sized skull. Now I’m thinking of eleventyseven other things I want to make with the other half of the tube. I’m not going to say what rhinestone creature will emerge next, but it might begin with “tape” and end with “dispenser.” Shhhh.
Skull I also found this jumbo foam skull at Michael’s for about $10 (now on sale for $6.99), however, now that I am contemplating keeping this bad boy out year round, I am regretting that I used a foam base. Next time I’m thinking about getting a hollow plastic skull ($1 at Dollar Tree), filling it with sand, sealing it off, then cover with crystal sparkles, then set on the bookshelf. BLMAO Instant book end! How’s that for practical thinking? I know. You’re welcome. If you’re not into bookends, the foam is nice and light. Actually, they sell these HUGE foam skulls at World Market too, like, as big as a car seat. They go for $40 right now, but I’ll bet they will be on sale any day now. I’m thinking you could just make a huge one and mount it as a hood ornament. I’m so tasteful.
Rhinestones I’v mentioned this before but I’ll say it again, the best deal running on crystal gems is this one pound bag. I have never seen it in stores, but you feel free to hunt around. This project could also be a great opportunity to break up an old necklace and salvage the beads, or buttons, or maybe just the sparkliest crap at the bottom of your junk drawer. I’ve got 46 cents in Canadian coinage that me best destined for new and glamorous heights!
Applying the Collage Clay really is just like putting on frosting. I know I keep comparing it to frosting, and you are bored of that, but that is the only relevant comparison I can think of. Just squeeze it on and spread it out….don’t lick your fingers.
Then you stick in your gems and goodies and leave it alone. The package says it dries within 1-5 days, but I found it to be much faster. I would say it dried to the touch within 5 hours and was perfectly solid overnight. It probably didn’t cure 100% for another day, but I was free to put it on display the next morning. No coaster or special protection needed.
After the collage clay dried, I went back the following day and coated the eye sockets, nose and mouth with clear-drying Tacky Glue and laid in some more sparkles. I can’t tell what makes him look more crazy – the pink eyes or the diamond teeth. Every time I look at him I hear him singing “LET ME SEE YOUR GRILL.”
Let me see your what?
Annnnnnnnd that’s about it. Easy peasy. I’m not sure if you are supposed to use gloves, but I didn’t. I got some on my counter but it wiped off with a paper towel like….wait for it…frosting.
You knew I was going to say that didn’t you?
Also. Because this is important. I would like everybody to know that I did not stage this rhinestone skull on a field of gold sequins; it’s here laying around all the time. And by all time, I mean all week. It’s costume season and Abigail wants to be an iguana. I think she meant the iguana from Dora the Explorer but I’m going to reinterpret this as the iguana from the Solid Gold Dancers and telling myself it’s for her personal safety. Sequins are mother nature’s safety reflectors. We must keep the children safe.
Happy Halloween!
The teef! the teef! They are just the thing that sends it over the top and around the bend to crazysparkletown.
Cool…..very cool….like frosting!
Hmmm…I have an overwhelming urge to wear a tie-dye shirt, eat some Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia, and listen to the Grateful Dead right now. (And I am SO not a Deadhead.) It’s either that or watch the movie Live and Let Die. This thing is so crazy-cool I just don’t know what to make of it. Sparkle-tastic!
Deb, I like your style 🙂
I would have to raid my daughter’s sparkling gems collection to make this, but I think it’s a fair trade.
Love this!
I’m totally sparkling ALL THE THINGS.
You’ve done it again, you brilliant thing you!
WOOHOOOOO!! that frosting stuff looks like the bees knees, and i happened to find a GIANT foam skull on clearance at Rite Aid last year….this is fate!! Let the embellishing commence!
Great job. I really love it. xx 🙂
So awesome! you did great with collage clay! I am also using collage clay in several crafty creations & its great working with!
I love love this!!!! so adorable! Steve loves it too!
Aunt Peaches…you are a crafter extraordinaire!! What a gorgeous, blinged out Dia de los Muertos skull. Andale arriva! Love your style honey.