I have been toying with the idea for painted holiday plates for a while, but I’m not patchouli enough to hang out at the local pottery shop wearing Tevas and tube socks. Since Thanksgiving is upon us, I decided to do a little experiment with painting chargers. Neither chargers nor placemats have been of interest to me in the past, as it seems like just one more thing to have on the table. BUT. In this case, when you pair a painted charger with a glass plate, it’s like having mini art pieces on the table.
Wouldn’t mashed potatoes look really good on that?
Yeah. I know.
Want to make some? It’s crazy easy. It’s just layers of splotches in a circle-ish pattern around the plate. Let each layer of paint dry before you move on to the next. Or not. Maybe you want them to blend. You do that. You be in charge. Get it girl!
Gold Chargers $1.50 each
Martha Stewart craft paint, Satin finish $1.99 each (colors used here, bottom to top: Wild Blueberry, Granny Smith, Wedding Cake, Beach Glass, Habanero)
PS: You’ll find everything here at Michaels craft store. Yes, I am a Michael’s Maker. No, They aren’t sponsoring this. It’s just handy when you can find everything in one place.
Won’t the paint wash off?
I can’t speak for every acrylic paint on the market, but I really like this Martha Stewart paint in the satin finish (mixed review on the others). `The label reads:
“Use on Wood, glass, metal and fabric. Indoor/Outdoor Water based. Non-toxic. Weather resistant. Shake. Dry 1 hour between coats. For glass: Clean surface with alcohol. Cure 21 days. Top-rack dish wash.”
Because the charger here is probably plastic coated, and acrylic will never stick to plastic as well as other surfaces, I would probably not put it in the dishwasher. And I would never soak it in a sink like regular china. But a soapy rinse and wipe down? Sure thing. These haven’t even cured 48 hours and I can testify to them surviving a good rinse and dry in my kitchen, no special sealer or anything. And I’m not eating on them directly, so really, I’m not that worried. Worst case, if some of the paint did come up, it would just mean more of the gold underside showing through, and I like that. Problem solved. Boom.
You gotta love fancy china, but there is something awesome about clear glass plates. Especially since you can find them at most any thrift store or Dollar Tree. Inexpensive, all occasions, and you can add to your collection at any time.
And…while we are chillin here before dinner, did you see my centerpiece?
A cluster of glittery gold candle sticks, also from the thrift store (all five for sunder $10, btw)….but using my not-so-secret method for making no-shed glitter objects. Because nobody needs glitter in their cranberry sauce.
Or do they?
You can get the deets over at ILovetoCreate.com.
I’ll admit, I made these chargers just for the fun of it. I’m not doing a big Thanksgiving feast, butttt, if I was, I would go back and make these in autumn colors on this metallic brown base. Or for Christmas or Channukah, maybe a selection of blues in navy, white and periwinkle on these silver chargers. Or maybe just buy some blanks and let the munchkins go wild. Is that a family art project I hear coming down the tracks?
Toot toot!
Welp. That’s it. Your place is set. Who is coming over for dinner?!
Loves it like a bridezilla flipping through a wedding magazine.
Hahahaha. Now THAT is a visual!
From working in theatre and needing to paint stuff that just won’t take paint like foam pipe insulation and pvc pipes, as well as many other plastics, There are two tricks – spray paint it with Kilz first, or coat it with contact cement and let it dry, then paint(especially useful for things that spray paint will melt, like pipe insulation/fun noodles) Should help with people wanting to paint plastics!
Interesting. I’ll have to remember that! But I’m glad this paint holds its own just fine- I don’t know how I’d feel eating right next to contact cement.
Aunt Peaches, I love reading your words. Always gives me a bit of a pick-me-up!!! I am thinking, I might paint the clear glass and have the gold charger plate show through. Maybe just a geometric flower in the middle? Hhmmmm. My Martha Stewart (what a hero), paints have been waiting for this project!!!!!
I’m totally making these. I have a HUGE collection of Fiesta Ware and I’ve been wanting to find a way to bring all of the assorted colors together a bit for fancier occasions. This is perfect! It will give a little uniformity to what is usually a pretty chaotic table. Thanks!
Do you use a lazy Susan to put the chargers on? I’m thinking of trying it just because I’m a weirdo like that.
Bah! A lazy susan would be perfect. I totally did not think of that. I may need to go back and make more… Can’t wait to see how your fiesta ware would look — PERFECT!
Love the chargers. My GrandLoves use large, heavy, cardboard-ish plates from Sam’s Club as palettes, whenever they are painting. When finished, they swirl and swab and create on the very same plates, often creating secondary projects such as mobiles or Mickey Mouses. No paint or plate wasted!! THIS project reminds me so much of our plate art… and… I love the idea of the more permanent version as Christmas gifts for their parents. Showed this post to my 9-year-old GL, today, and he approved, except to say, “My design would be different, G’ma!” Well, that’s a good thing – wouldn’t you agree, Auntie?
That’s a great idea — the cardboard rounds. I’ll have to remember that! No grandkids around here but way more than enough art projects 🙂
What do you call that slap dash technique that you use to paint these? Also, can you elaborate how to make the layers of colors? I didnt realize that there was such a definite pattern to the design.
I don;t know if there is a name, but you just lay down a spiral of ‘dashes’ I guess…let it dry, then another spiral of dashes in another color. Vicki had a great idea above about using a lazy Susan. I’m going to try that for sure!
Your creativity is so inspiring.