If you have been following this blog for long, you know I am a freak about candles.
Good, high-end, delicious smelling candles. It’s a luxury I have never denied myself because I know the tiny act of lighting a candle transforms my mood in a big way, and that there is significantly cheaper than therapy. I don’t know if it’s the glow of the light or the scent in the room, but it never fails to make me feel happy to be home. I love that. When I worked in an office, I used to light a candle as soon as I got home as a sort of ritual. A transition. Now I work from home, I make myself tidy up the house for 15 minutes and then light a candle as a special reward.
My house has never been this clean!
Now.Let’s get down to it. I have several favorite candle varieties, and I will go to great lengths to get them, but my new favorite winter scents were delivered to my doorway about a month ago. Yeah, I know. Blogger perks. Lucky me!
Bijou candles come from the same folks who create Qsquared plates – the stuff that looks like ceramic but holds up like plastic. They sponsored a post here a few months back wherein I threw all their stuff on the ground to demonstrate it was unbreakable. So that was fu! Now they expanded into candles in beautifully designed containers, and the container is 100% reusable after the wax is gone. Nifty concept, right? I’ll be honest, when I heard about the idea, I was expecting good candles in great containers. I was wrong. The containers are great but the candles are a knock out.
Gift 1: The Candle
Bijou carries oodles of scents, but I’ll tell you about these three. Because they are wintery. And they come in these mod-art, rippling pie crust bowls that are rocking my world. Bijou has a cute quiz to identify your own scent, but I’ll give you my two cents.
Mulled Wine is a “Tangy mandarin orange is spiced with cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, anise and just a hint of musk”…AND WINE. Really good, really expensive wine. Usually I associate wine smells with things spilled in subways, but this stuff is incredible. Not feminine. It’s a rich, deep, decadent sort of smell that you could burn in any room of your house, October to March. People will not walk in the house and say “What is that candle?” they’ll say “WHAT IS THAT AMAZING SMELL?” If you are a dude (or live with a dude) who doesn’t like foofy smells around the house, this is the candle for you.
Maple Apple is “New England in a jar. Spiced green apples mix with Vermont dark amber maple syrup and are topped up with just a hint of sugar glaze.” If you like vanilla scents but want something different, this is it. It’s a delicious, friendly, Don’t Be Jealous I Have Cookies In The Oven, type of scent. But not too sweet, either. I’m tempted to call it a ‘gourmet pancakes’ type of smell, but that doesn’t really cover it. You’re just going to have to try it out for yourself. Also, I love the white container for Maple Apple so I can eat it with my eyeballs first.
Winter Pine, Winter Pine, I saved the best for last: Winter Pine. I can’t even talk about this. This candle. Okay. I’ll talk. So, I got the package weeeeeks ago, and I lit this for a minute, and it was so good, sooooooo good, I made myself blow it out, put it in a drawer, and save it until the day after Thanksgiving so I could let myself experience it FULL THROTTLE Christmas spirit. That was Saturday and it’s been burning ever since! They sent me a big one and small one, and I was going to give the small one as a gift to my Aunt Annie because she likes pine scents, but I’m too greedy. I’m keeping both. (Sorry, Aunt Annie. I’ll get you another one!) If you are one of those people who wants an artificial Christmas tree but never caves because “the real trees just smell so good!” you can go ahead and ditch that motto. Get a fake tree and this candle. BAM, CHRISTMAS. Shut it down.
Gift 2: The Vessel
The sad part about great candles is that they eventually burn down because you use them so darn much. Right? So what do you do with the container? Oddly enough, one of my all time most popular posts is dedicated to removing wax from glass containers using hot water. That is a great solution for non-tempered glass, but with the Bijou candles, you don’t need any of that mess. You just pop it in the freezer overnight and it the morning it all comes out.Wash it like a regular piece of dish ware and use how you see fit. I’m doing mine up as a nut bowl because it’s December and Santa loves a good nut bowl. It would also look lovely holding rings by the sink, or for bobbles and earrings and such on a bedside table. The fact that they are not-breakable makes them a great solution for places you might not normally feel comfortable keeping a glass or breakable container. A bathroom vanity…a toddler-accessible coffee table. You get the idea. Non-breakable accent bowls are a beautiful thing!
Gift 3: The Wax
Even though these are very long burning candles, there comes a point when you are left with a stub. What to do? Let’s make fire starters!
*Please note, this candle would have burned many hours longer, but I intervened for craft demonstration purposes. That’s how much I love you guys. You’re welcome.
Chop up your frozen wax, put it in mini tart molds or muffin tins, and place it in a 350degree oven for a minute. It might take 2 to 5 minutes depending on how thick the wax is, but it won’t take long so keep an eye on it.
While the wax is liquid, insert some pinecones from the yard (make sure they are dry first) and let the wax firm up. In a couple of hours you’ll have world class fire starters that will make the whole house smell incredible.
You can make these by the dozen, then bag them up to give away as gifts. Or they are just nifty lined up on a mantel, smelling good and looking fine!
Thank you to Bijous Candles.
And thanks to all of YOU for supporting the businesses that make this blog possible. Merry Christmas to all!
I want one! Love that the containers are reusable. And those homemade fire starters are adorable.
Katie x
Ooh, thanks for the great fire starter idea – I did not know this was a thing, I love it!
I’m so excited to try these candles! I don’t know if this is a promotion for your blog followers, but they gave me free shipping when I ordered. Bonus!
Love these!!