Raise your hand if you have ever decided to “get organized” (<airquotes warranted) by going to the store to buy stuff to store stuff, and then you get to the store and the cute storage containers cost as much as a new pair of shoes, so you go over to the shoe section, then pick up a pair of espadrilles, try them on, then walk back over the storage container department and decide to buy the cheaper-but-uglier storage containers, then you come home with ugly containers and cute shoes and zero interest in organizing anything.
Yeah. Both hands raised here.
According to Marie Kondo, the best way to avoid this is to not buy anything fancy for organizing purposes, just simple and readily available stuff from the recycling bin, and you only do that after you do the hard part. Uuuuurgh. I hate it when they annoying people are right.
Anyway: Hello paper bags!
These babies are crazy easy to make, and a good excuse to buy use up all those cute and colorful tapes. Plus, you can customize the dimensions to fit an awkward space or a narrow shelf. And they look darn cute too, right? I don’t normally keep my yarn stash up on my bookshelf but I just might start. Easy grabbin’ makes fro easy craftin’ – and I am alllllll about it.
Want the directions? Pop on over to Etsy’s official blog and see what’s what!