I hate wasting paint. I’m trying to get better about letting go of unnecessary things, but paint feels like such a luxury. Wasting it, even a drop of the cheap stuff, makes me nervous. To counter this problem, I pair my leftover paint with my leftover shopping bags and presto-chango I am ready for gift wrapping at any time!
Okay, I lied. That part about leftover shopping bags is only half-true. Sometimes I buy packages of plain white bags at my local dollar store for this express purpose. But I still save gobs of money in the long run, so, I’m okay with that.
I would also like you to note that I use leftover egg cartons as paint pallets. If you are sensing a theme here (and hearing the theme song to Hoarders), you are not alone.
I happened to have some Hanukkah stickers in easy reach so I used them, but you could certainly use whatever you like. In the top image, on the big bag, I used those office label dot things. Use whatever you have around or your kiddos are willing to forgo. When I was a kid I didn’t share my sticker collection with anyone. ANYONE I TELL YOU.
Sweet Valley High, I have such a thing for patterned tissue paper. It makes everything look better. Simple patterns like dots and stripes are my favorite, especially with an abstract bag like this. I’m considering buying a carton of leopard print tissue to get me through the holidays. This place has the best stuff.
Not into painted bags? Use envelopes. They are just as fun.