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Election poster from Zimbabwe. Peeps: If the people in Zimbabwe get it, we should too. |
It’s election day Y’all! Are you excited as I am?
Yes? Then quit reading this and get down to your polling station!
No? Why is that?
If you are one of the 60% of Americans who will not be voting today because you think…
I don’t follow politics enough to make an informed decision…
I don’t have time to research the candidates and the issues…
I don’t think my vote counts…
… then I have news for you my friend: your vote counts. Big time.
I will never dare to tell another person how to vote, however, I will urge you to take a few minutes to check out THIS WEBSITE and decide for yourself. Project Vote Smart a legitimately non-partisan organization that provides information about every candidate running for federal and state races. Just enter your zipcode and skim the results to see where your candidates stand on the issues. It takes three minutes, maybe five if their servers are busy. It’s easy! And regardless of your ideology, it is a valuable tool for getting quick and accurate information about the people asking for your vote.
Look, I get why people are discouraged with government these days. I know I am. If anything, our government has become more partisan and our politicians have become less accountable. But that’s not an excuse to give up.
When you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain about the choices our government makes. You forfeit your voice in the public forum, and that would be a real shame. Your voice should be heard. Your representatives work for YOU and they want to hear what you have to say.
Need to find your polling place? Click here.
Need to register so you can vote in the next election? Click here.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi
Agreed. Thanks for the 411 peachy.
Amen! Ditto to everything you said – plus you walk away with a hip “I voted” sticker, which you can turn into some kind of craft project.
good for you, these are things that need to be said more often.
Thanks Guys, I appreciate your feedback more than you know 🙂
To tell you the truth, I was hesitant to post this seeing as every ‘how to blog’ article I ever read said STAY CLEAR OF POLITICS AND RELIGION, but voting is a big deal in my book…I figured if I was comfortable talking about celebrating the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving, I sure as heck better be comfortable talking about celebrating our right to vote on election day!
And now thanks to Michelle, I’m totally scrambling for an “I voted” sticker craft!