Check out my new shoes! They are from a party at the G-Dub.
Btw, G-Dub is short for Goodwill, as my friend Dee calls it. Also known as the thrift store, or second-hand shop, or charity shoppe if you are fancy and spell shop with two Pโs and an E.
I wish I could pull off fancy spelling.
Well, while I was the G-Dub Shoppe, I got my artistic brain juices (technical term) going by challenging myself to make One Pretty Thing out of Two Ugly Things using $2.00 or less.
I won’t show you pictures of the two “ugly things” for fear someone will recognize the items and think I have deemed their personal possessions “ugly”….Heavens to Murgatroid, that would be rude, so you will have to settle for the recipe, or shall I say, equation;
One pair of teal satin 1980’s bridesmaid shoes
=Pretty New Party Shoes!
Just slice up the tapestry into 2cm strips and and glue to the shoe. Regular white glue works on lightweight materials, but heavy stuff does better with tile adhesive. There are oddles of variations on this method …check out some of these super cool decoupaged shoes!
That’s it. Complicated, right? They looked a little sloppy, so I embraced it and added some raw, red, Frankenstein style stitches. Done.
No one will ever consider them elegant or refined, but they are a pretty nifty. Not bad for two bucks!
Oh, callou callay, I love them! The Frankenstein stitching works so perfectly. I can’t believe it’s just strips glued on, this looks quite finished and polished. It’s just adorable and cool. I sure would have loved to see the clown tapestry, tho!
They are fun and funky and pretty awesome!
I think they are very cool!
LOVE. IT! Dang, gurl… now I’m going to have to find a freaky clown tapestry. LOL
Now you just need a part-ay worthy of your part-ay shoes!
you are my hero.
Hey, those are my shoes!!! Just kidding, I think it will add a whimsical feel to any outfit
Dear Peaches you never cease to surprise me!! I love your new shoes, not only are they fancy and whimsical but inspirational too…
I admire your creativity!
If those were my shoes, I’d be walking around admiring my feet all day (a dangerous combination as I am a clutz at the best of times). They are gloriously FUNKY, and the price ain’t bad either!
Love your re-do! I love creating something new from other items, and thrift stores are the best place to look (other than our own closet, of course!)
I agree with Michelle, though, i would have loved to see the clown tapestry before. Clowns are cool!
You give me hope that there is still good in the world. I want to go to the charity shoppe and pick out the two uglies, send them to you and see what you come up with. Sounds like good times to me!
I heart G-Dub! I visit G-Dub and other thrift stores at least once a week! (sometimes way more often ๐
Oh the treasures you can find!
I adore your new shoes!! Your creativity is outstanding!
I lurve G-Dub! I’m addicted to it. The Hub pokes fun at me but I tell him I’m doing it for the a good cause. I have started taking stuff to donate when I come to shop and yesterday I saw a lady looking to buy one of my sons old sweaters! LOL
Oh snap, those shoes are AWESOME! Another thing for me to keep an eye out for during my thrift adventures. *love*
New Year’s Resolution #26 Must make funky shoes for myself!!
this are DOPE!!
great blog dear
These are genius! I can totally see them on a Lacroix runway {if he were still in business} – I somehow doubt my shoe glueing/making abilities, but am longing to try! LOVE these!
xo Mary Jo
Thank you and I really mean it!! for ridding the world of another scary clown. I think all clowns should be sewn into shoes.
Hey! Thanks for the shout out!! You know I loves me the G-Dub….
You should have a contest to see who can make the best shoes. I think I will use a pair of my old shoes because I know they fit. Just think of all the old crappy needlepoint one could cut up. I wonder what cowboy boots would look like. I didn’t know that you knew Dee. Ann
omg. my jaw just fell off my face. those shoes are freaking amazing!
you’ve done the world a favor by ridding it of a scary clown needlepoint tapestry thing. that sounds terrifying.
Hot Stuff! Super idea… shall adapt to a pair of old flats that I simply cannot part with. Kudos, Auntie Peaches. Loving your blog.
Best Shoes Ever–as my daughter would say. I love the patchwork/make-do vibe these give off!
Those are amazing!
These are super awesome. Next time you should take pics of the befores and hang the potential humiliation of faceless G-dub donators. ๐
p.s. I am going to post about these awesome shoes on 2/9 at Dollar store crafts. Oh, and I found some Ralph Lauren needlepoint pumps for $800 online! Yours are much cooler, though!! xoxo
That is seriously cool. Seriously. I want a pair right now. I love the deconstructed look. Thanks a bunch for sharing!
How do you keep the yarn in the needlepoint from unraveling when you cut it in strips? Don’t the edges fall apart? Your seams look neat/finished. Thanks!
Good question, but actually the seams are pretty rough. What helped….
*the original piece had a tight weave
*I used super sharp scissors
*I covered the sloppy bits with the red top stiching.
….. However, if you wanted to avoid all that, just paint your needlepoint piece with watered down mod podge first — that’ll make anything fray-proof!
wow these shoes are amazing!! There is a new refashion co-op community group that you might be interested in joining, and showing off your upcycled fashions like these amazing shoes. Have a look:
Who cares about elegance? These make me happy, and I’m so gonna copycat! BTW, love the imprint of the ankle bracelet on your right leg.
These are awesome! I can’t wait to try my hand at making a pair… once I find a pair of shoes and a tapestry!
BrendaLea A. – Purple Lady
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
I love your blogs. I read them out loud to my boyfriend and we laugh. ๐ Cheers on the awesome shoes!
Those are a great idea. I LOVE being at the Thrift stores, I never know what I will come out of there with…chances are a lot more than what I went in for! That’s for sure.
My daughter and I are just starting our DIY blog and I am checking other blogs to see how they do so well! Congrats on a great blog!