I’m hoping the new chicken will be the seahorse. Is there are anything more musical and triumphant looking than a seahorse?
Ready to join in the chicken trend?
Start by tracing a cutting out hand prints. Quantity will vary, but I can tell you it took 18 six-year-old hand prints to cover a large pasta box. Bigger hands or a smaller box would trim it down, but really, who wants a trimmed chicken?
Roll the feathers slightly by curling them around a pen or pencil. This goes faster if you work in big stacks of hand prints.
Remove one side of the box and cut out the chicken’s head (dang that sounds gross)…(freehand it yourself or download the template here). Attach the head to the box using a glue stick or double-stick tape.
Glue a row of feathers to the inside of the box. Repeat on the outside.
only you would make kid’s easter crafts based on a float in the gay pride parade. i’ll have to take notes next year. there is a fan dancing troupe that might have some tips!
the chicken is great too ;o)
Genial idea.
I’m afraid I like those 70s mushrooms. Though I’d prefer them in bright rainbow colours… Anyway, that chicken is adorable! have a great weekend!
There you go again with projects that I’m listing on my to-do-with-kid-someday list. (And I totally agree that seahorses would be a lot of fun…that makes me want to put together a party with them and see if a trend takes hold!)
Wait… are giraffes out? …. damn… I missed the giraffes?… musta been asleep… okay, so does this mean we’re starting a seahorse trend? cause I’m totally in if we are. Totally.
Nice chicken, btw. So cute! It’s obviously kid craft day. I did one too.
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!
Great job!! Camilla
Hey Peaches,
So how cute is this!!
and I love those coffee filter baskets of yours that were featured on Crafty Crow. Now why didn’t I think of that?
Thanks so much for your comment on the Easter portrait project, now that I see all your creative greatness I will definitely be back!
Take care.
Awesome post!
Gay pride parades are AWESOME!
Antique Jewelry
So creative!! I love anything to do with handprints! Not sure if I would want to cut out 18 of them though! Have a great weekend! 🙂
I had a dream about a seahorse chasing a chicken in a gay pride parade…wonder where that came from?