Lola is a picky kitty. She likes the finer things in life. Cashmere in particular.
If I’m wearing a cashmere sweater of scarf, it takes her all of ten seconds before she on me like a hair on soap. Something similar happens with sequins.
She knows what she wants. And whatever Lola wants, Lola gets.
So when I found this old cashmere sweater had been eaten up by moths, I decided to give it new life as a bed for Lola. It keeps her super warm and, let’s face it, Lola looks great in red.

Must give credit where it is due: I saw a similar pet beds for sale at a flea market last summer, but their construction was a bit different and the sleeves were much fuller, making the sides taller and not appropriate for all cats. Which brings me to….
Rambling cat lady side note: Not all cats like beds, and not all cat beds are the same. While most cats like to have their own special ‘nest’ for napping, some cats feel trapped or unsafe when sleeping in a confined space, like in a bed with four high sides. This is sort of like how some people can only sleep with their socks off (for the record, anti-sock people are just plain weird, but we love them anyway)… So if your kitty is anti-bed, try offering them a bed with low sides, or three sides, and see if they like it. Cat beds are great, because not only do they help kitty feel comfortable, they help keep shedding cat hair in one place. Win-Win!
- Old cashmere sweater. Any sweater will work, but most cats will avoid acrylic on account of the static electricity. However, I have heard from people with small dogs who love snuffling on sturdy acrylic sweaters. Use your discretion.
- Cotton quilt batting.
- Needle and thread.
- Glove warmers (optional).

1. Stuff the arms with cotton batting (see note above about cat beds with high walls)
2. Tuck the cuffs into each other so you get a sense of how large the bed should be.
3. Fold the corners of the sweater in to create a rounded off bed bottom
4. Stitch the neck and the bottom of the bed closed.

Now tuck the cuffs back together again and stitch them to the perimeter of the sweater (which is now the bottom rim of the bed). This part gets tricky to demonstrate here but it’s actually very easy to do, especially if you use some safety pins to hold the sweater in place while you stitch. I should note, I just use big loopy stitches with my needle–nothing fancy or hidden (Lola has distinguished taste, but not that distinguished).
Tip for folks with mature pets : Lola has some issues with arthritis, so during the cold months I create a hot spot by tucking a glove warmer in where the two cuffs overlap. It doesn’t warm up the whole bed, but it’s provides a nice hot spot for her to warm up any achy joints, sort of like a hot water bottle.

The fur in the photo above shows you just how much Lola likes her hot spot. It is already well worn!

Sweet dreams 🙂
I can’t believe no one has commented on this cute “tutorial”. I used to have cats – sometimes one sometimes … uh … more. I would have made this form him/them. Thanks for the idea and cute pics of Lola.
Great idea. I have a small dog and have made beds for her from fleecy fabric but I like this one much better. Nona
Love it I have 2 bangles and 2 Siamese they love when I make them toys and beds more than the store bought items this is a great idea and puts good use to all the clothes I have in my closet
Thanks so much
I might be a crazy sock hating sleeper but I love this idea. Seems like it would work with sweatshirts too. Seems like the main idea is to take a heavy long-sleeved top that your kitty already likes.
you’re such a good mommy Peaches. She looks cozy in her sweet sweater bed. I wish I had one of these in my size…
This is great! I’d seen one online and thought I could figure it out, but now I know! Thanks!
Love the Bed for Lola. Just make sure she can’t chew on the “Hot-Hands” as they are toxic to dogs and cats…I use hot hands myself for back pain and have reseached them…have to be really careful that my pets can’t get to them….
Happy Birthday!
Excellent tutorial!
I just wish I had a cat… or a dog 😛
Maybe I can make one for my nephew who is a Danish-Swedish Farmdog 🙂
Thank you for this! I may have to scour the thrift stores for natural fiber sweaters and stitch up some beds for the local shelter!
Great idea. Thanks for the tutorial.
Have just found this post but I am SO excited. A few years ago I discovered cashmere hoodies; I live in NC and they are perfect for all but the coldest month or two as my weekend “uniform.” However, it took me tossing a hoodie on sofa or bed about twice for my female feline to also discover them. She is now a certified cashmere magnet. You put down the hoodie/sweater and within a minute she’s making a “nest” out of it. I think this tutorial will make BOTH of us very happy. Thank you.
Wow ! what a wonderfull idee ! thanks from France !
Tried this today and my cat loves her new bed! http://www.bygracecakes.com
Yay!!! Glad to hear it!!
Ummm….do you stuff the bottom of the bed at all? I didn’t see it anywhere in the instructions.
Thanks from a “No Socks in MY Bed” cat lady. lol
No — I didn’t stuff the bottom of the bed — just the arms. But you certainly could if you wanted to.
Love this! This will be a great service project for Girl Scouts to make for the animal shelter. So creative!
Thank You
Très bonne idée, nos chats auront désormais leur petit panier (à moindre frais) pour être bien au chaud
merci beaucoup
Many thanks really beneficial. Will certainly share site with my friends.|
Really like this tutorial. You made it so easy. Thank you. I especially liked the thoughtful and ingenious idea of adding a warmer for our pets!!
Good idea using a cashmere sweater! Have seen this DIY on other blogs, but haven’t seen a suggestion to use wool or cashmere sweaters – though it’s smart to considering how much cats love kneading in that kind of material!