Doctors can tell a lot about a person’s health just by looking at their tongue; You and I can tell a lot about a person’s life by looking at their art.
Nothing reflects the people who live in a home like the art on their walls. Nothing.
Is it a pre-framed print they bought to match the couch?
Is it an inherited portrait of Great Uncle Bernie?
Is it an exotic wooden mask from East Africa?
Is it a picture of their kiddos looking happy?
Is it something interesting an abstract that makes you feel stupid for not understanding?
Is it a picture of mother and daughter wearing matching dresses and home perms (no judgements y’all, I know that home all-too-well).
The point is, whether you like it or not, your art says a lot about you.
Which is true.
It also says I like a lot of art. Not just in variety, but in quantity. I feel like a room is naked if there aren’t at least five pieces hanging up. I like original art best but that get’s awfully expensive, so, if I am spending money on reproduction prints, I want them how I like art best: cheap and weird.
Note, most of these pieces are priced around $20.
1. A flamboyance of Flamingos in the men’s bathroom (and yes, a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance).
2. Elvis dressed as an Indian. Before Cher was doing it and Indian was a taboo word.
3. Forget the family portrait and get yourself some yeti family paper dolls. They move around and all kinds of fun stuff.
4. I need more pictures of doughnuts having a conversations. Don’t you?
5. Even Wonder Woman has to pull her panties out of her butt sometimes. This makes me feel better.
6. In 1983 Nancy Reagan and Mr. T got busy under the Christmas tree. Why this hasn’t become the subject of a beloved holiday song baffles me too.
7. I’m not even a Star Wars fan and I know how cool it is to have a Saturday Night Storm Trooper hanging in your bathroom.
8. Larry David in Perler Beads (he does custom portraits, btw).
9. A rhinoceros drinking Diet Coke. Because the only thing I like more than cute animals is Diet Coke.
Priced out of this roundup (but still seriously cool): Bob Ross on black velvet | Chicago illustration by Matte Stephens | Erckle portrait in rice (yes, I said rice).
Nancy Reagan and Mr T?
I might need that for the downstairs bathroom.
Screw the bathroom — put it above the mantle!
That Yeti looks like an old boyfriend of mine! Ha!
That Yeti looks like an old boyfriend of mine! Ha!
I’m with you on too much TV, but then how would I have learned & can still reinact the Steve Urkel dance? hahaha, good memories!
I remember that dance!
Nice to see a bit of Larry David hanging on your wall. Got to love a bit of Larry 🙂
KnittyNora xx
I love that you included a Mike Geno print! I had him as a teacher at Art College, and it totally took me back. My favorite are his steak paintings. He paints the food. Then he eats the food. He’s totally quirky pro-low-drama art, like you. Cheers.
Where can I purchase the Elvis?! My heart swoons..