So, I thought the flamingo costume I made for Abigail a couple years ago was pretty rad.
…annnnnnd then this dude showed me up.
Josh Sundquist, ParaOlympian, motivational speaker, lemonade-from-lemons maker, has one leg and a badass attitude. Also, great taste in birds.
Hat tip to Jessica from Mad in Crafts for sharing this in the first place. Flamingos rule!
Oh My! I didn’t realize there was a person in that costume at first! AMAZING! I looked at the photo a few times and thought, cool a flamingo with leg braces. I looked at the photo again after reading your post and my mind was blown! Well done!
I know. It took me a minute to see it too! Did you click the link and see his previous costumes? Pretty cool.
No but I will now.
This is amazing. Amazing.