It’s fall.
It’s sweater weather.
It’s cider weather.
It’s spooky weather.
It’s white people goin’ crazy over pumpkin flavored foods weather.
It’s October. And for me, that means it’s grilled cheese weather.
Not just any grilled cheese though. Fancy grilled cheese. To be specific, goat cheese and cucumbers with arugula on rye grilled cheese. You make it the same as a regular grilled cheese and tomato — just swap the orange stuff for goat cheese, and the tomato for cucumbers. Trust me, it ain’t hard to be fancy.
Not gonna lie, it’s tasty. It hits the comfort food spot while sneaking in some veggies. Breakfast lunch or dinner, or even slice it into strips and serve as a party food.
Fancy pants grilled cheese, it’s what’s for dinner.
This is so true. What is with white people and pumpkin flavored shit? Coffee, beer, cookies, muffins, wine. Wine. There is pumpkin wine. What has become of us?
I’m w you – I don’t get it. People don’t go crazy for, say, asparagus when it comes into season in early spring. Asparagus muffins. Asparagus coffee. Asparagus chocolate. The pumpkin thing is odd. I mean, to each their own….but it’s odd.
warm cucumber… I can’t get my head around that one. I distinctly remember being at my boyfriends place when I was about 16, he made grilled cheese and put cucumber on it… I thought he was totally crazy! But I am sure goats cheese goes much better than regular cheese.
It’s good. You can add the cucumber after the melting part, but sometimes it just gets watery. Matter of personal pref. But try it — you’ll like it!
Will FOR SURE be trying this just for the cukes. What is it about cucumber that makes them so perfect for sandwiches? And why didn’t I discover this before last year? Now, every sandwich I make has them. Totally delicious.
Indeed. I too am a late-in-life cucumber fan. Must make up for lost time!
About the pumpkin…I think we are trying to get back to our Pilgrim roots. I am going to try The Art of Doing Stuff’s pumpkin (really squash in Canada) soup. I need to cut open a pumpkin just to get the seeds.
The cutting into the pumpkin is the part I hate. Oooof, the smell. I’m a wimp with smelly vegetables.