This week is kicking my ass.
I’m clogged. Not overwhelmed or exhausted, just clogged. Teetering between waiting, then a mad rush for progress, then waiting, then rushing then waiting. Not to worry though, I have devoted much of my chunkletts of waiting time to very busy and important things (read: Pinterest), and coming up with new ways for tax dollars to fund public stress relief efforts. Best theory so far: piñatas.
We could get them from Mexico cheap. See, I knew that NAFTA business would come in handy.
…In other news, it has been warm enough to sleep with the windows open. Huzxzah!!!!! I explained my excitement for spring to random stranger on the train yesterday, who replied “That’s just how I feel about my fantasy baseball line-up. Rughhh! Thank God it’s finally here!” he said, shaking his enthusiastically clenched fists in the air.
In my head, I replied, “No sir. Spring is nothing like your fantasy baseball spread. My thing is real, yours is not. My thing came after months of death-rattling wind, frost-bitten appendages, and chronic respiratory illness. Your thing came after you got bored of looking at porn on the interweb. My thing brings sun and flowers and bunnies and baby racoons waddling across the meadows. Have you even seen a baby raccoon, sir? HAVE YOU? Your thing brings…more interweb. Your thing sucks. Stop talking. I hate you.”
But I didn’t. I just smiled and said “Exactly.” then put in my headphones and stared lovingly at my flip flops.
So that is what I have to say about that. Spring is better than all other things put together, even irrationally enthusiastic baseball people. Good things lay ahead. Spring is finally here!
Kathryn Humphreys
“My thing is real, yours is not…Your thing sucks. Stop talking. I hate you.” Yes. I love you.
Love you too, Kathryn.
Hook, Line and Sink Her
That’s a brilliant idea! It would also be excellent if the pinatas were filled with things beside candy (not that I don’t like candy) like plastic jewellery and rubber ducks and balloons and packets of Ramen noodles.
I read “ramen noodles” and pictured a pinata busting with hot and sloppy ramen soup. I’M SO IN!!!
Deb in Oklahoma
Reese’s cups and fresh strawberries. If there was a way to stuff a pinata with Reese’s cups and fresh strawberries, I would be a happy camper. And I am totally on board with your enthusiasm for sleeping with the windows open. Even if the low is 50 degrees, and I have to wrap up in a blanket, I’m sleeping with the windows open, dammit. Until we hit 100 degree heat, then all bets are off.
I’m with you Deb. It turned cold here again (like 50’s – not cold cold) but i refuse to turn on the heat. Don;t care. I’ll burn tires if I have to, but that thermostat isn’t going back to heat!
Pinatas filled with GLITTER! We would always look great….not to mention festive!
This is an excellent idea. Let’s get a public grant up and going — everyone will be in on this.
Melissa@Julias Bookbag
i think right now, today, is the perfect time for me to profess my undying love for you. oh yes! today!
Thanks Melissa, you are sweet. I know you have been reading a while…I am honored to be included in your “cyber” bookbag. 🙂
Colleen Jorgensen
I don’t really care what they’re filled with, having something on hand to take a few whacks at is brilliant.
signed, not-too-passive-aggressive
Kara DeCarlo
Except for today, when Spring ran away. My heart is sad.