Well folks, it has been an exciting week for my mailbox. Between the usual parade of political pamphlets, polar fleece catalogs and cat charity solicitations, came a few items that had been anxious to see for some time. Wahoo!
Now here is a thing. Based on reader feedback from a couple years ago, I make a special effort to not include wedding DIYs on this site, so imagine my surprise when Brides magazine asked me to contribute to their special DIY issue. Some great ideas from a number of creative bloggers, so if you are in the UK, or one of those people that can get UK magazines (they really are jammed with content compared to our magazines), grab yourself a copy.
Speaking of things you need to grab…
Heather Mann, the master mind behind several craft sites, including Dollar Store Crafts, Dollar Store Mom, and Craft Fail, has come out with a book by that same name. It’s filled with examples of what happens with good ides go bad.
We’ve all been there.
The book is hilarious. It will make you laugh and validate your failures. Listen, it’s not just you – nobody can make that rainbow jar cake. Nobody.
Disclaimer, in addition to being a successful blogger, Heather is also a friend and mentor. She was one of the first people to ever feature an Aunt Peaches project on a major website, and I owe some of my early traffic (and perhaps a few of you!) thanks to her help and encouragement. In fact, there may be a quote from yours truly, discussing my inability to make tissue paper pompoms. I pride myself on being able to take trash to treasure, but can I make a simple tissue pom? No. So now you can pay good money to read more. Get on that.
If you have been following me a while, you know how excited I am for the success of Advanced Style – the blog turned book turned documentary turned coloring book – devoted to glamorous octogenarians (and more!).
The first run of the coloring book sold out before I could get ahold of one, so now it’s finally here and it sits on my coffee table and I color in it while *bored on conference calls.
* If you are a client, pretend you didn’t see that.
Yes. A Christmas tree. Michael’s sent me a Christmas tree. Don’t nobody freak out that IT’S TOO EARLY IT’S TOO EARLY because I for one have had the glitter spirit for weeks, weeks, and I quarantined it inside my soul. Like Ebola. But now the 21 days are up, the travel ban is lifted, and I have got to unleash this before it explodes out of me like angry rheindeer. November 1, it is on. It is on like Donkey Kong.
^^^^That was my scary laugh. See? I’m still on target for Halloween. So there!
I am blinded by the fabulous fabric underneath the “Craft Fail” book. Where is it from? I must know!!!!!
Crate and Barrel (the outlet). But i think I saw it by the yard on pinterest. If i see it I’ll let you know!
EEEP!! I’m in the Craft Fail book! Or, more specifically, my shitty felt fox is in there. I’m awaiting my copy from Helen to witness its full glory, and now even more excited to have basically been mentioned on your site too. Sort of. This calls for a happy dance. xxx
1. Yay, thanks for the book mention!