My house has been Easter egg central for the last month, which I lurvvvvve, but it has made it difficult for me to draw the line between craft material and food. There are plenty of things you can do with a hardboiled egg or a the guts of a hollowed out egg, but sometimes you just need to crack one into a bowl. Now, what to do with the shell?
Isn’t that precious?
It’s pretty easy. I’m pretty sure you can figure this out, but just in case, here is a little video I made for Paas.
I was thinking this would be a super cute idea for collecting those early spring buds like baby daffodils or lilies of the valley, but alas it is still snowing over here and I made do with store-bought forsythia. I don’t think the Easter Bunny will mind half as much as I do.
Happy Easter!
I was just about to get hugely jealous because YOU HAVE FORSYTHIA IN BLOOM. Except you don’t. Cute bud vases all the same …
These are very cute. Would be lovely on the table for Easter dinner–right next to the deviled eggs. Mmm..deviled eggs. Now I’m hungry for a snack.
And I have forsythia in bloom, along with daffodils and Oklahoma Redbuds. I’m so sorry you still have snow. I would box up some spring and ship it to you if I thought the postal service could get it there before Easter.