The environmental benefit of urban goat stampedes.
Why can’t the US government’s graphic design be this cool?
The man behind Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man in the World” is actually very interesting.
Why walk a dog when you could walk a tortoise?
The eleven best art documentaries streaming on Netflix right now. (PS: I highly recommend The Art of the Steal)
Ten tricks for appearing smarter in meetings.
A real life Munchkinland.
New Ikea textiles designed by refugees living in Texas.
How can you measure income inequality from space? Trees.
Intriguing list this fine Monday, Peaches. Goat-herd lawn mowers are used quite a bit in Oklahoma now. It’s a great idea that everyone seems to get a kick out of driving past. Oklahoma City used a herd last year (plus dog or mule serving as herder…I can’t remember which) working on city land where a mechanical mower can’t reach.
And I love the idea of planting more trees. Can’t ever have enough of those things.
I was taking those “how to be smarter” recommendations seriously for the first few! Are you done with Brene Brown’s the Art of Imperfection? I am loving it but I have to stop constantly to internalize a bunch of it. I just saw yesterday the info about her new book coming out in August. Looks amazing!
‘Love the goat story, but the herding dog is incorrectly labeled. 😉 -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
Happy Monday!
In Toronto, when Dutch Elm disease reduced the tree canopy, the suicide rate in the city went up by a significant number.