Did anyone ever tell you a secret and it made your tongue hurt to keep it inside your mouth?
Yeah. You know that feeling! That’s what it felt like when I made this project last month and had to keep it all to myself. It is so nifty it hurts my soul to keep it inside!
You know what that is? It’s a confetti notebook made entirely from office supplies.
Yup. Office supplies.
I have been working with Pentel for a year now but recently they asked me to come up with some projects that lean a little less craft culture and a little more cubicle culture. This is fun for the back to school crowd, and kids of all ages, and I can’t think of a profession on the planet that doesn’t allow for a colorful notebook tucked into a desk drawer. And did you see the pen loop added to the side? That’s just plain functional. People will see this funky notebook you made with a pen loop and say NOW THERE IS A SOUL IN BALANCE! Also, the pen loop trick is real easy and you’re gonna start adding pen loops to every book in your house when you see how it’s done. Nobody is safe!
Want to make one of your own? Check out the directions over at Pentel. And if you need a refresher on how to make confetti out of tissue paper (or any other paper for that matter) buckle up because I have got the answer for you!
This is so fun!
Thanks Carley!
Tissue paper is not a common office supply.
I had no problem finding it at the two office supply stores I checked (one large chain, one small independent)…. But the beauty of homemade confetti is you can use any paper under the sun! Shred some old junk mail or outdated memos if you don’t want to buy any. Tissue paper is an easy example, that’s all.
ahhh…so that’s why you were looking for large adhesive sheets. Such a cool project! I was just trying to thik of ways to liven up some small storage boxes on my bookshelf. I think I’ve found my answer!
Love this! especially as you can get tissue paper so cheap on ebay! Looks gorgeous!
Looks like a great project! Since the confetti is paper, could you recycle it afterwards?
Dear Aunt Peaches,
I discovered your site thru Huffington Post andhave been downright addicted to it ever since. I love your approach to life, not to mention your beautification of life!
So here’s the thing. I am a scientist, not an artist. Classic right brain/left brain differences between us. but I WANT the beauty. I want the color and the flair. So my question is, how do I start? I look at your house, with its pink flamingos and pink and red christmas trees and I think, “I could never DO that!” So how do YOU do that? Do you spend every second of your life cleaning? It is always so perfect looking?
Where do you buy art supplies? What do you buy if you are just getting started? I want to paint canvasses, things to hang on the wall, but do not know the first thing about it.
Please help with those of us who are just art-illiterate and want to find a fun, comforting way to add color and zazz to our lives.
Love, Alice, the scientist
Hi Alice! Oh gosh, where to start?! I think it’s wonderful that you want to embrace the beauty of a colorful life, but please don’t worry about the looking/getting part of it. If you want to make arts and crafts any art/craft supply store can help, but really, my only advice is to surround yourself in things you love. Identify one object that has personal meaning to you, then find a way to expand on it with your art. Work with objects that carry personal meaning. When you work with things you love, the results are always good and that will have little to do with appearance, but more so, the love and energy you put in.
And when all else fails…youtube. You can learn how to do anything on Youtube. Good luck Alice!!
It is so beauuuuuuutiful! Another little splash of genius from The Peach.
That looks great and it’s very interesting 🙂
So fresh 🙂 Beautiful.