Happy Monday Friends!
It’s the first full week of October and I am feeling the autumnal high that can only come from a weekend of basking warmth of a new batch of scented candles. Folks: It does not get more exciting than this. No. Really. This is like how your spouse/sibling/BFF spends alllllllllllll year waiting for their fantasy football draft day, and you are like UHHHH WHY IS THAT EXCITING? And they are like UHHHH I DON’T KNOW BUT I WAITED ALL YEAR FOR THIS SO LET ME HAVE MY JOY.
Yeah. The joy of candle season is very real in my house. I mean, scented candles are a fun habit all year long but the pickings get slim in summer if you don’t do floral, and even though the good stuff hits stores in August, it’s not that fun to light candles until the first time the furnace comes on for the year. That’s the law. Welp. As of this weekend, the heat turned on, the candles came out, AND, get this: I am currently typing this in my studio by the light of a fireplace. I know. It’s like all kinds of crackle-me-up-cozy and I am like one peanut butter brownie short of ecstasy.
Good thing I have the peanut butter brownie thing covered.
Also. If you too are a candle crazed lunatic, you might want to check out two things; 1. My tutorial on how to remove candle wax from reusable glass containers (would you believe it is my all-time most popular post?) and 2. This lady. She will make you feel way less crazy about your candle obsession. Yes, I know! You’re welcome.
This wreath made from needlepoints is 100 kinds of rad. Sweet Paul is rocking it once again!
There is a such a thing as a responsible gun owner; this is not it.
Cutest Parent/Kid costume ever.
The male beauty contest of the Sahara dessert.
I need these sunglasses. Now.
Why are Japanese kids so independent? And more interesting point of discussion; why have so many parents around here given up on valuing independence in their kids? And what does that say about all of us in general? Hmmm…
And speaking of Japanese kids…look at this majorly rad and nameless way to teach them about color.
The wedding dress that would not quit.
Have you been following Humans of New York refugee stories? Oh my God. Just…yeah. You need to do that. We all do.
Even Blake Lively has a hard time operating a lifestyle blog. This makes me feel real accomplished. Thank, Blake.
Five ways to make/revive wall art on the cheap.
ZANDRA RHODE’S HOUSE! You need to see it:
Yessssss I am totally with you on the candles! I went to Target Saturday morning for the explicit purpose of buying fall candles. I ended up coming home with one smelled “gray flannel” in a really pretty faux marble container. It’s amazing! Definitely recommend.
Kim — I read this comment on my phone in the Target parking lot…saw that as a special omen that I needed to go by the candle aisle and experience it for myself. Well you know I had to buy it! SO GOOD. Holy crap. Love it. I bought another flannel one from Bath & Bodyworks, which I like, but it’s stronger and the wax is blue. Not sure how I feel about blue wax. Not as good for crafting. But anyway — this one you recommended is LOVELY. Thanks again!
What a great apartment! I love the different colors in the great room! I guess she’s my spirit animal 😀
Do you ever do interior decorating?