I know, I know, I know…It’s supposed to be Happy Monday but I had date-specific sponsored posts that took over Monday so we will do this on a Tuesday. Cool? Cool. I know we wrapped up Halloween half an hour ago but I am currently carrying ten pounds of Christmas in an eight pound bag, so this baby is ready to bust. Starting November 8 I am sharing a new holiday DIY for a whole week. More to come!
Also. A little news here: I am opening an online pop-up shop.
Months ago, you guys told me that I should consider selling my paintings and I was so encouraged that I put it on my Must-Do list or 2015, then must do turned into To-Do, and then I pushed it back and back and back…and well. Life happens. And I watched a lot of Netflix. And the end of 2015 is irritatingly close. Man! So here is the deal: This is going to be short and sweet. A couple dozen items available for two weeks or until they sell out. Prices start at $30 and will go up to a few hundred, depending on time invested (a couple of these are real honkers). Mostly paintings. Some abstracts. Some florals. Some paper, some canvas. All originals. I will make the link public NEXT MONDAY NOVEMBER 9, but I will send it out a little early to folks on my weekly mailing list (that signup box in the sidebar). You can see a bunch of the florals I made this summer over on Instagram (#flowersfor30days) but there will be other stuff too. So if you are interested…stay tuned. No dibs allowed, not even for friends or family, SO I HOPE YOU WILL BE READY TO POUNCE!
Post Halloween Trivia: Did you know candy corn was originally called “chicken feed” (and a bunch of other cool stuff about candy)?
Are we thinking about addiction all wrong? Interesting.
Intricate sculpture carved into pencil lead. WHOA.
China has a new headwear craze. Would you wear one?
The Boss Ladies of SCOTUS finally got their own portrait.
An artistic, court-reporter style, illustrated guide to Gilmore Girls fashion.
15 Fun facts about When Harry Met Sally.
John Irving can do no wrong in my book (no pun intended), I can’t wait to read his latest.
They say arm knitting is easy. This looks really hard, but also, I really want that blanket.
Sesame Street’s new character, Julia, has autism. And people are being all kinds of awesome about it.
This 97-year-old high school graduate has my mascara running. Guhhhh.
Massive crop art VanGough is INCREDIBLE.
Peaches im SOOO EXCITED for your pop up shop!!! This made my Tuesday.
Congrats on meeting a personal goal and putting your work out in the world
I want Bite Me Sheila! Seriously
My goal is to arm knit a blanket this winter.. I have really long arms so that may help hahaha- we’ll see — No matter what it will be a big blob of coziness no matter what shape it ends up in
Pop up shop oohhhh! I love how you are making it a limited event – dang, you are so smart. Excited for you!!!
oh dear me, no DIBS? ughghghgh! There was one that I spotted that I have my toes crossed you are posting….do you know how much pain I will be in until Monday when your email hits my inbox? 😉
You are way too much fun! And the flower paintings are so happy.