My latest art acquisition is a tribute to The Golden Girls.
I can’t even talk about it. It’s that amazing.
Granted, I like any art that elevates favorite characters to mythological demigod status (Hello Inigo Montoya.). I like it even better when I can buy a whole set of linoleum block prints for $7.50, courtesy of Rachel Wallis.
I acquired these as a set of greeting cards, but paired with $1.50 frames from Target they make a lovely little composition. It makes me sad to think that three of the four Golden Girls have passed, but it makes me happy to look at my little quadrant here and know that these ladies are popular as ever.
If you ask me, the best 15 seconds of television can be found on The Golden Girls. Actually, it can be found on every episode of The Golden Girls: it’s the 15 second overture music following the theme song leading into the start of every show. Most people miss it, but observant types will recognize the classic late 1970’s theme music with a string orchestra, flutes and a harp playing to the image of the house in Miami, lush with palm trees and green grass. Like buttered bosaa nova, but better. I could listen to a loop all day long.
Here, watch the first couple minutes and listen for yourself:
Anyone live in LA? Go drive by the real Golden Girls’ house for me!
Did you know Sophia was actually younger than her “daughter” Dorothy Zbornac? Click here to read more fun facts.
Interested in reading more about real-life fabulous ladies of a certain age? Order an advance copy of Ari Seth Cohen’s new book, Advanced Style (powerHouse Books, 2012)