Doctors can tell a lot about a person’s health just by looking at their tongue; You and I can tell a lot about a person’s life by looking at their art.
Nothing reflects the people who live in a home like the art on their walls. Nothing.
Is it a pre-framed print they bought to match the couch?
Is it an inherited portrait of Great Uncle Bernie?
Is it an exotic wooden mask from East Africa?
Is it a picture of their kiddos looking happy?
Is it something interesting an abstract that makes you feel stupid for not understanding?
Is it a picture of mother and daughter wearing matching dresses and home perms (no judgements y’all, I know that home all-too-well).
The point is, whether you like it or not, your art says a lot about you.
Which is true.
It also says I like a lot of art. Not just in variety, but in quantity. I feel like a room is naked if there aren’t at least five pieces hanging up. I like original art best but that get’s awfully expensive, so, if I am spending money on reproduction prints, I want them how I like art best: cheap and weird.
Note, most of these pieces are priced around $20.
1. A flamboyance of Flamingos in the men’s bathroom (and yes, a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance).
2. Elvis dressed as an Indian. Before Cher was doing it and Indian was a taboo word.
3. Forget the family portrait and get yourself some yeti family paper dolls. They move around and all kinds of fun stuff.
4. I need more pictures of doughnuts having a conversations. Don’t you?
5. Even Wonder Woman has to pull her panties out of her butt sometimes. This makes me feel better.
6. In 1983 Nancy Reagan and Mr. T got busy under the Christmas tree. Why this hasn’t become the subject of a beloved holiday song baffles me too.
7. I’m not even a Star Wars fan and I know how cool it is to have a Saturday Night Storm Trooper hanging in your bathroom.
8. Larry David in Perler Beads (he does custom portraits, btw).
9. A rhinoceros drinking Diet Coke. Because the only thing I like more than cute animals is Diet Coke.
Priced out of this roundup (but still seriously cool): Bob Ross on black velvet | Chicago illustration by Matte Stephens | Erckle portrait in rice (yes, I said rice).