They are some sort of seed pod. Another flower shopper said she bought them three weeks ago and they dried standing up in the vase on her desk. “My boss hates them. He says the last thing he needs is another reason to remember the size of my balls.”
The conversation reminded me of a sign I made for my friend Jeanine a few years ago. At the time, I was really into vintage inspired graphic design. Jeanine was really into telling people to “Shut up and get some balls.”
It was also right about that time when this SNL skit with Sarah Palin (Tina Fey) was popular. You might remember it as the “And I can see Russia from my house!” skit. There is a part at the end when Hillary Clinton (Amy Poehler) encourages the media to examine the credentials of female candidates. “In closing…I encourage you to grow a pair. And if you can’t I will lend you mine.”
For the record, Hillary has loaned me hers on several occasions.
If you are need of some, just let me know. I have plenty to spare!