Earlier this week, the Huffington Post ran a feature on a variety of ways that us crafters can use our talents to help the thousands of animals displaced by Hurricane Sandy.
Thank you to HP for featuring the cat bed Imade for Lola out of an old cashmere sweater, as well as for pulling together a comprehensive list of ways we can help, including a link to Petfinder with a specific list of shelters that have been affected by the flooding — places that have an immediate need for food, blankets, bowls, and so forth. Check them out.
I realize not everyone is going to send a box of cat litter to New Jersey. But if you have 10 minutes this weekend, an old sweater and some cotton batting, or maybe some yarn or a sewing machine, you have the tools to help keep an animal stay warm this winter. That might not sound like much at this very moment but you know what they say about small gestures…they add up to big changes.

What can I say? The girl has taste!
Happy Weekend.
congratulations on the feature! Thanks for reminding us that little gestures can help!
I saw the article and saw Lola, but didn’t get the connection that it was the Huff. Post. Wow. You are famous. Can you explain Instagram? How many of these things do we have to belong to? And what is Hometalk? A pinterest hybrid? I’m sorry, but I don’t really have time this weekend, but maybe next weekend. What is Lola wearing for Thanksgiving? A Pocahontas outfit?
Lola has a Pilgrim hat but she thinks she wants to dress First Nation this year. We shall see… Huffington included her bed in the slideshow of projects– you have to shuffle for it. Instagram is a photo app… It makes stuff look coolish and you can follow friends and visaversa like on facebook… But no words except photo captions. I’m still getting the swing. What is hometalk? News to me!