Happy December 1st! Has it hit you yet?
No more “Christmas is coming” because “Christmas is HERE IN YOUR FACE” barreling down the tracks making everyone feel ill-prepared and underdressed. And by underdressed I mean you left your Christmas sweater at the dry cleaners.
As a blogger, sometimes I find myself ahead of the holiday curve doing yuletide fun in August, only to set it aside in September with plans to take it up after Thanksgiving. But it rarely happens. Stuff comes up and you get busy doing things for other people in other places…anywhere but home. Every year there is a promise to hang fresh garland and wreaths…has never happened. Ever. So, last year when the folks at Jackson & Perkins offered to send me a miniature Christmas tree to review – complete with pots and lights and everything – I was like CHRISTMAS IN A BOX? BRING IT ON.
And they did. And it was awesome.
This year they offered to send me another one, and it was even more gorgeous than last year. Look!
Y’all, this is a real tree. Real smell. Real needles. Real dirt. Real ready to get planted in your garden come springtime. Nifty huh? Makes you feel all nostalgic for the days before the faux trees.
I’m pretty pleased with this little tree. Yes, it looks nice, but more importantly: it’s super easy and I can cool my jets on big hoopla decorations and fresh greens and all that jazz. It’s gloriously uncomplicated. Have you heard of a one-pot dinner? Yeah. This is like a one-pot Christmas. And the pot is cute too!
Bonus: It even comes with a little string of copper lights, twig berries, and a handful of elegant ornaments, so even if you don’t put up a tree this year, you get to scratch the itch of Christmas decorating without taking up a lot of space or time. Or, grab a handful of your family ornaments and hang them up – there is enough surface real estate here to accommodate a few favorite baubles. The whole tree could fit on an end table, or work as a beautiful centerpiece too. Last year I got an email from a reader saying she had bought one and sent it to her daughter’s tiny Manhattan dorm room and they set it on top of the television because she desperately wanted a real tree and that was the only flat surface available. Isn’t that sweet?
Side note: Remember when TVs had flat surfaces on top? Oh man. Now I’m a different kind of nostalgic!
Many Thanks to Jackson and Perkins for sponsoring this post and bringing a little maintenance holiday spirit into the house. This is a treat I will enjoy all year round!
And thank you to YOU for supporting the brands that make this site possible.
Happy Holidays 🙂
Kaeru Shisho
Perfect tree! Alas, the links to J and P don’t work… sniffles
Phyllis Farnam
What a fun and festive post. Thanks for making me smile. I enjoy your writing so much. You’re a special kind of crazie like me! And it’s always good to find another one that fits it our category of special.
Good tidings to you Aunt Peachy! ♡
Hope B.
The links to Jackson and Perkins are not working.—what a lovely idea. I’ll try their website and see if they are still selling these trees.
Inlay work
Great, that christmas tree is looking so awesome and amazing guide you shared to design it. I’ll also try it at my home and so good images you shared of that tree.
Marble Inlay
Looking so beautiful and shared amazing information about that palce. I really like its beauty and stunning photos you shared.