There is this thing that bloggers do every year or so. It’s called a survey. And it’s been close to three years since I have done one because I don’t want to bore you guys, but you know what? I need your help.
I’m taking an inventory on myself, my business, and my website. This website. I’m trying to figure out the direction of where we are going next.
Before I draw out the roadmap, I want to hear what you have to say.
Why? Why can’t I keep doing what I have always done?
Here is the thing; although my readership numbers have grown in a big way in the last year (thank you!!!)… comments have not. That is a trend I see across the internet in general. And I’m bad at it too. I don’t leave half as many comments as I did a couple years ago. The problem is, without that feedback, it makes it difficult for bloggers to know what their audience is thinking. So if you are one of those folks who reads this site on on a regular basis but never comments, I am especailly asking you, yes you, please take three minutes and fill out this survey. Forgive me if that reads like a guilt trip (it’s not), I just don’t know of any other way to get your input.
Now, this is the part where I am supposed to offer everyone a giveaway gift in exchange for your participation, or try to use your time here as a segue to getting you to sign up for my newsletter or something. I’m not. Why?
Two reasons.
1. I do not want you to fill out the survey because you want free stuff; I want you to fill it out because you want to help me.
Look, starting this site was the best thing I ever did for myself but I recognize that I didn’t build this house on my own. It is no longer just about me, it is about us, AND it is also about my livelihood. It is my business. It is my heart. It is incredibly complicated. Knowing what will keep you coming back to this site has a huge impact on me. Huge. So, sharing your opinions is a big deal. I’m not going to take any one person’s opinion as gospel, but if I see a trend, that tells me something I need to know.
2. I do not want to ask for your name or email – this survey is 100% anonymous.
You would be surprised how well I know the names and IP addresses of my regular readers. I don’t want anyone holding back because they think I will recognize them. This is one of the rare occasions on the internet when I would rather you be honest than nice. I mean, don’t be a jerk about it, but level with me. Okay?
If this is your first time on the site, feel free to take a pass on the survey. Don’t get me wrong — I’m delighted you are here and you are more than welcome to participate, but really, the folks I want to hear from are the repeat visitors and the long-time regulars. A lot of bloggers spend endless time and money on SEO tactics trying to get new people; I would rather spend my efforts on getting repeat people. The people that come back all the time.
Right now I run a blog – I want to run a community.
I’m not sure how I’m going to get from Point A to Point B, but knowing what you think is the first step. Please take a few moments to help me make this happen by filling out this survey.
Thank you!
Deb 'N Cats
Comment! 😀
aunt peaches
Thanks, Deb! Say hi to your cats!
whoops – caught out! Read your blog every time and love it so much but hardly ever comment – and you’re right, it should be a community. Did offer you brownies and coffee if you’re ever in the UK though – and as an extra apology will take you to a stately home near me that’s VERY Downton!
Survey done!
aunt peaches
Lol. I might take you up on those brownies one day :). And no problem about not commenting. No obligation. I really don’t comment like I used to, so I don’t hold it against anyone else. I’m not sure why everyone stopped commenting in the last couple of years, but it really is a helpful way to gage enthusiasm. Analytics stats are so easily thrown off…I’ll get a link from Buzzfeed and it’ll make one post look like the most popular topic of the week while that same post was a thud with core readers. And you guys are the folks I want to help drive the bus.
So that is my very long winded way of saying…THANK YOU!
aah you’re welcome! p.s more video please – loved it! could listen to your accent ALL day!
surveying 🙂
aunt peaches
Thanks, Kelly!
Woo surveys! I love surveys!
aunt peaches
Thanks, Liz!
Survey completed.
Nice to know that SOMEONE values my opinion!
aunt peaches
Indeed I do, Nancy!
Deb in Oklahoma
Aaaannnnnd…..DONE. I like your blog. I even got my mom and some friends to read it on a regular basis. No clue if they post anything, though.
And I would like to see the return of your Friday Flowers segment. I meant to include it on the survey, but then didn’t.
aunt peaches
Working on the Friday Flowers Deb! You will see them coming soon. And I’m so tickled your Mom likes me. You are, by far, one of the best comment givers around. It is always a treat to hear from you. 🙂
Hahh! I’m not the only one that wants this.
Love your site…check it everyday!! Thanks for all you do!!
aunt peaches
Thank YOU Shannon!
I just tried to take the survey. I am not sure if it finished before it crashed. I wrote something about loving flamingos and unicorns. Shall I re do it or do you think it might have worked?
aunt peaches
I just ran a text search for unicorns and I’m not seeing anything — sorry 🙁 Don’t feel obligated to take it again or anything. But if you are sitting around and killing time, it’ll be up all this week. Thanks Louisa!
I will try again then. 🙂
The best thing about your blog, and true of most great blogs, is that your personality comes through loud and clear. If we like and can relate to you, then you’re doing your job and are reaching the right people to create a community.
aunt peaches
Thanks Kim, I appreciate that.
Another long time reader, but I too rarely comment. I took the survey – and I would love it if you post the final results. I’m curious how my responses compare to your other readers.
aunt peaches
Will do!! And thanks!
yeah, like Amanda says, post the results/overview so we can see what the collective ‘we’ likes the most. I am up for anything you want to try, as long as you keep your sense of humor and glitter close at hand.
aunt peaches
Will do! I took a peek at the results last night. A couple of very interesting and a couple of very LOUD opinions are, to use the twitter expression – “trending.” We’ll see what comes out after it’s been up a week or two. You guys are great.
Jennifer O'Neil
Just took the survey! And I am going to try to comment more regularly. (It’s weird, as normally I have to reamind myself to keep my mouth closed more often! 🙂 ) Asking a question at the end of your post might help people to write a comment…Have a great day, AP!
aunt peaches
That’s a good idea. Sometimes I forget that I really want to ask you guys questions. Y’all probably didn’t know that. Guess that’s why surveys come in handy, right?
You give us free stuff everyday. What are you talking about? lol….. you always have cool ideas on here. That to me = free stuff.
aunt peaches
Haha. Thanks Rook! There is value in ideas, isn’t there?
First time commenting 🙂 I haven’t before because I’m the type of person who has to rewrite everything over and over (this took me a while!) and I don’t want to be an annoying teenager!
aunt peaches
That’s really sweet, Piper. Don’t ever worry about retyping anything you want to say here. I’m not looking for typos and your thoughts are always welcome!
Found you about six months ago, went back and read your posts from the beginning. You have a unique voice among creative bloggers. I will be a bit blunt, I think I liked your posts from before it became a business best. Now, it sometimes feels like you have to promote something for commercial reasons, Of course, you must keep Lola in the manner to which she is accustomed, but as Mark Twain said, work is what a body is obliged to do, play is what one is not obliged to do. Do you find yourself NOT saying something because you have to keep numbers up, or whatever drives a successful blog?
aunt peaches
Thanks Sherrie! That’s really great to hear. Sponsorships are tricky. Whats funny is that I turn down most paid promotion opportunities. Not that anyone is banging down my door, but it’s a slippery slope and I have unfollowed plenty of bloggers when they start slogging posts on toilet paper. Nothing against them, or TP, it just takes a lot of talent to pull it off. Sure — I use toilet paper, and I’ll bet you do too — is it relevant, yes? Does it have anything to do with creative living? Or the things or people I love? No.) Yes, I made an effort to make things less personal a couple of years ago when I realized that readers were drawing some conclusions about me or the people I wrote about, and that made me sad. And defensive. But mostly sad. Last fall, when I left my job, I made a dedicated effort to re-open my heart and be honest about stuff, but also to maintain a level of consistency that any revenue-generating website requires. I’m still trying to find my rhythm. This survey is going to help with that a lot.
To answer your question, ‘do I find myself NOT saying something because of numbers’…Not really. Oddly enough, saying stuff that might be controversial is the quickest and surest way to get engagement by far. However, in this format, the harsh truth is people rarely read past the first 300 words. It is unreasonable of me to expect more. If I can’t make my point in under 300 words, then I won’t put it on this site. Sure, I write over 300 word posts all the time, but if it’s about a complicated subject and/or I have a complex opinion, it’s really frustrating to then see/read folks comment on it and know that I clearly did not get my point across. Or I represented someone or something poorly. It’s just kicking up a hornets nest for no good reason. There are enough people capitalizing on those opportunities and making money (*cough cough Fox News and MSNBC*) and I don’t want to be one of them. Perhaps I will eventually build my brevity skills, or find complicated subjects I want to talk about that won’t be taken as insulting or insensitive. But walking that line is hard. I write 1,000 words or more every morning without any intention of sharing anywhere so I can get my thoughts out somewhere. Perhaps one day that will change and can share more. Guess we’ll have to wait and see 🙂
Speaking of writing too much! This is probably way too long of a response. But I am very flattered you too the time to go back through my archives and I’m thrilled to know you are here now. Thanks again, Sherrie!
Survey done! A second on that return of Friday Flowers!
aunt peaches
It’s in the works. Flowers are a comin!
Took the survey — that’s kind of odd wordage. I didn’t TAKE it anywhere. I answered the survey. I don’t often comment. I think I should try to do that more. You share so I should too. And it may help keep the bolgs afloat. I would hate to lose them. They fill me.
Thanks for all you do.
aunt peaches
Thanks so much. Please don’t ever feel obligated to comment. I don’t put content out there expecting to hear back. I love to hear from you guys, but I would feel awful if you thought it was obligated.
aunt peaches
Yeah, “Take” is a weird term in this context isn’t it? I’ll have to think about that. And I know what you mean about losing blogs…some of my favorites have dropped dead in the last year. It breaks my heart. Feels like losing a friend. 🙂
Survey done! Always happy to say a good word about my favorite blogger! I second what Kim says – it’s your personality that comes through and makes all this work as a community. Thanks for everything you do for us!
aunt peaches
That’s always nice to hear. Thanks so much.
I did the survey but forgot to tell you: My absolute favorite thing is the Valentine Day card swap! Thank you again for doing that. Also: more Lola!
aunt peaches
Lola agrees! I like the Valentines Swap too, though I think it will need to change shape for next year based on recent feedback. We shall see!
I too am guilty of not commenting. Actually this is the first one ever!! Love your blog, you’re the only one I read! Keep up the great work!
aunt peaches
Yay! Thanks Marlo.
Follower for a while, never comment on any of the blogs I follow religiously.
Thank you for helping me realize I wasn’t doing any favors to these folks I enjoy spending time with each day by not bothering to comment. You are my favorite !
Done ! I requested more Lola. ;D Give her a behind the ears scritchy for me ! (assuming she likes scritches, most kitties do !)
Whoops. I read your blog at least every other day and I love not just your blog, but your writing style and your personality. There are some blogs that I feel like I have to suffer through the obnoxious personality of the writer to finally get to some pretty pictures. Consider me a comment convert.
Trish Prentice
Hi Peaches,
I tried to “complete” the survey but it froze in the middle so I’m going to reply here. Actually, I love every post on your blog so yes to all. It is a happy, eclectic place that makes me feel inspired and hopeful. Keep it comin! Personally, I think you should write books on the various topics of your expertise. I would buy them, especially on flower creation! Also, I would love to purchase some original Aunt Peaches art. It would be fun to have some “kitschy” stuff made by you on the coffee table or hanging on the fridge. I can even see a fun Aunt Peaches t-shirt. Get going on that please. And if there are any TV people out there. I’d watch the Be Creative Hour, staring Aunt Peaches any day of the week. It could be the live version of your blog. And one last thing…I enjoyed the spotlight on Tedags hos Tant Ninette. I went and looked around her blog for fun. That could be something else to include…a blogger of the month. So that’s it…I can’t wait for the t-shirt!!!
Avid, long time reader all the way from tiny Prince Edward Island in Canada! I completed your survey & I look forward to your blog every day. Keep up the great work; you are truly one of a kind, Aunt Peaches!
Good morning. Just a heads up: none of the links in your last three e-mails are working for me. I keep getting a “Page Not Found” alert. The suggestion is to go to your home page; the same alert came up. I can read your e-mails but can’t click through to read them in their entirety or to post a comment. Please advise.
Finished! I have an entire arms length of blogs on my popular place, but don’t go to each one every day. I imagine it is hard to think of something everyday. I couldn’t do it. And I find only posting once every few months is a turn off. But again I understand. Your blog is one of my favorites. It’s always fun and upbeat and fairly regular. Thank you.
survey done 🙂
Oy – guilty of not commenting very often… but I read during the morning on my phone at work (heh) and don’t really want to be seen hunched over typing while I’m supposed to be doing stuff! Dumb excuse.
Sometimes, though, I do go back and read blogs at home watching tv.
aunt peaches
NO WORRIES. Honestly, no worries. I feel bad folks are feeling bad for not commenting. I was just making a point that *if* they ever wanted to say something in general but never found the right/appropriate/convenient forum to share it, the survey was a good place to let it out. I’m pacing myself in reading responses so each one is absorbed and considered with warranted measure. Sometimes I’m not great as responding to my own comments, and that’s not cool either. But, sometimes people comment a few times and then I know their names and then I know a little of their background and then we become friends (LIKE YOU, TRACY). So I welcome them with open arms. Good things come from regular commenting.
Well save some tears. I haven’t been able to finish my survey because i’m in the car driving 2000 miles. Included in the survey will be our adoption papers of you that you will need to sign. Also about 100 ideas for posts that you could absolutely sell to other bloggers. Remember the Bizarro Seinfeld episode? An alternate group lived parellel lives with
Jerry, but they weren’t as cool? We need to have a Bizarro Bloggers Meetup. You, Karen from the Art of Doing Stuff, Dee Soicher from ThriftDee, maybe the guys from Thrifting with the Boys. We could have a great time being not cool, and eating armadillo or alligator dip, wearing mismatched outfits, and laughing our butts off. If you were really popular in high school you can’t come. Got to go back to read what you wrote about the 100 surveys to see who my potential adoptive parent competition is. Love you.
Heck yes I will do a survey for you! I always get excited when I see a new post. All the bright colors, humor, Lola…it’s everything I love (especially that Lola!). You rock on with your glittery self! <3
kay kerns
I thought maybe I was commenting too much! Happy belated Easter.
aunt peaches
On the contrary. I always appreciate your comments Kay!
Reta Kenter
Hi – I completed your survey – hope it is helpful/
A reason some bloggers don’t receive comments may be due to using Google as their medium. I have given up trying to leave comments on those blogs. Check with Cathy of Kittling – I send my comments to her directly via email. If she finds them relevent, she will post them for me.
If you want to have a community, we need to have a project or a cause. One that I like is making pillowcases for homeless kids in shelters. (I think it is homeless kids) I have it bookmarked. Or, pillowcase dresses for little girls in Africa. Years ago I knit lots of 7 inch squares. You send them someplace and they sew them into afghans for people. I have that bookmarked somewhere. We also could work on one political cause like equal pay for women and write to our congressperson, etc. Or, privacy for women’s health issues. (i.e. Hobby Lobby) Every time some blogger says she bought something at HL I cringe. Hope you get your 500. Is that a good sized sample?
aunt peaches
Yes! I crossed the 500 mark so I’m thrilled. Just trying to schedule a chunk of time to analyze the data in a useful way. This is not my strong suit.
About finding a cause…Agreed. I have shied away from group projects in the past because they are not that inclusive for this site (it’s not likely more than 20% of readers are big on sewing…or crochet…or embroidery…or card making…etc) but if there is one thing this survey has taught me is that you cannot please EVERYBODY. I’m going to look for the core patterns, focus in on what those folks are telling me, and take it from there. I would rather do some good than none. Just nee dot find something where I can handle the logistics.
The political thing is odd. Out of nearly 1,000 posts only a couple have had any vaguely political opinions, and even then I never encouraged people to vote one way or another, I was just sharing personal experiences. The Hobby Lobby one was weird. It got a lot of attention but if I’m being honest with myself, it didn’t do any good. People came in and out with the same opinions. If anything, the early controversy fueled the fire$ and HL has opened more many stores since. Anyway, that doesn’t mean I have any plans to go vanilla…I just don’t plan on using this site to try and persuade political issues. I go out of my way to read blogs from people with different political/religious/lifestyle perspectives than me and those occasional infusions of different opinions make me more empathetic on a lot of issues. My hope is that some folks will pay me that same courtesy. And if they don’t, that’s not my problem.
Whitney M
Long time reader here and not only did I fill out your survey, I think I’m leaving my first ever comment on your site! I have requested more Lola, and BTW I absolutely LOVE the new header look. Gorgeous!
aunt peaches
Thanks Whitney!! Glad you are here 🙂