The ginger jar bug bit me. It bit me good.
It started as a single red urn in the back of the pantry, then someone gave me an orchid in a blue and white ceramic pot, then it was a $2 vase at the thrift store…then Sunday morning I gathered them up to cluster some peonies from the garden and boom. It’s here. An accidental assemblage. And now there is no turning pack. I have climbed aboard the ginger jar express train to Granny Town, pit stopping in Cat Ladyville. Toot Toot!
I think this all stems from a blue and white ceramic vase we had when I was a kid. It was more bottle shaped than urn I suppose. Big as a kindergartener. And beautiful. Totally impractical. No idea where it came from but I know it got left behind when we moved. Basic psychology and 15 years of Oprah lead me to believe I am making up the void of that vase by acquiring vaguely similar thrift store acquisitions. Which makes sense. But I hope that principal does not apply to other stuff left behind in that move like shag rugs and raccoon traps.
I need another collection like I need a hole in the head.
I love your collection! So pretty. I used to have a “thing” for all ceramics that were blue and white, so I feel your pain
Yes, I have a slowly developing thing for blue and white plates as well. They aren’t easy to collect though — too popular!
It always starts so innocently…don’t get me started on vintage pyrex and egg coddlers.
Ha! Got to love a good egg coddler.
Ditto on vintage pyrex….I have bowls and bowls a small kitchen and don’t cook…what was I thinking??
Brought back memories of my mom and me gathering huge bouquets of Lily of the Valley in our yard and filling up a blue and white ginger jar with them. She still has that jar and now I want it.
A ginger jar is a classic shape! It has been around for centuries. You can make lamps from them. I would rather have a ginger jar than some Lenox ivory type vase. Believe me, you are not veering towards Grannydom. I know, I lived right next to Bloomingdale’s for years. I know what is hokey. (Maybe that lady with the hole in her head…) Do you want an egg coddler? They are good for holding Qtips or bobby pins. New Rule by me: if you spend less than $50 a year on a collection, it’s okay. Ann
Hey , how did you make the red flowers with the black thing in the middle in the back of the photo ?
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Big as a kindergartner.
That made me shoot my drink out my nose.
I read your blog religiously, and never comment, but I just had to say that I really think you need a collection of THESE. I saw others HERE, and HERE, and now I want one too! At least one!!! You seem to have a little Mexican blood in you, just like me! ENJOY!!!
When I was little, my mother had a variety of mismatched dishes, glasses etc. But my favorite was the lone Blue Willow plate. So as an adult “OO- a Blue Willow plate! I’ll buy it & hang it on the dining room wall; it’ll be pretty!” I don’t have enough walls in my whole house for them all, & I just found a sock knitting pattern, too! My knitting is just not at that level, either.