I had a post already set to go today but I’m skipping it because I’m busy with important stuff. I’m doing three things today…
One. I’m having a glass of champagne to celebrate the thousands of American couples whose marriages will be recognized as legal. Finally.
Two. I’m making a donation to Wendy Davis, the badass Texas state senator with pink shoes and a mighty roar. Because of her actions yesterday, she will be made a target for all sorts of attacks in the months ahead, and I’ll be darned if I don’t chip in for her defense.
Three. I’m reminding myself that the voice of a few can alter the lives of many.
Look, I realize some people reading this won’t like what I have to say. And that is okay. As someone much smarter than me once said, I don’t care if you stand with me, as long as you stand for something.
Cheers to us!
Hear hear!
I was one of the 176,000 people up late watching the excitement in Austin with tears in my eyes. Thanks for the reminder, I will certainly donate.
I was up too. Lola and I were clapping and cheering along that last 15 minutes. No one heard us, but trust me, we would have done Texas cheerleaders proud.
I’ll lift my glass with you!
Yes, yes, and yes!
Cheers to us, Cheers to you dear Auntie, to our mothers, sisters, daughters, and Friends. one voice at a time… xo
Tracy Lynn
Well said. One voice at a time.
Right there withya sista! If I didn’t have to be at this job, I too would be inbibing! With all the battles we have to fight the last couple years, it’s great to get a couple victories in one day.
YES! I’ll have a glass with you – in San Antonio!
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I raise my glass with you!!!!!
After the huge blow from SCOTUS yesterday, I’m so emotionally overcome with joy for ALL Americans that equality has been raised up again as a true American value!! And Wendy Davis – you ROCK! Yes, I hope that many, many people will send $$ to Wendy. She’s a hero and a marked woman.
Great post, Peaches.
You seem so fucking cool 🙂
Wendy Davis’s name will now join Hillary Clinton’s, Elizabeth Warren’s, and Kristin Gillibrand’s name as a leader for women’s rights. I’m getting hot pink sneakers! Ann
Moscato has a much lower alcohol content than champagne. You can drink it for breakfast. Be careful!
Well said!
(Hi! I’m a new reader.)
Whoo Hoo from the frozen north! I #standwithWendy when Rick Perry orders another special session to try and push this vile legislation through. Thank goodness that the Supreme Court didn’t remove any more civil rights this week!
I love how you mix politics and crafts – go on, you rock!
Thanks for your sharing…did not really know about Wendy Davis and after reading about her, I’m so glad now, you brought her to my attention.
Keep on sharing please!!
Thanks. Elaine
You rock, Wendy Davis rocks, gay marriage rocks. It was a good day indeed. Let’s take over the world!
Thumbs up – I just discovered you today and this post – I love you!
it certainly is about time….
Cheers indeed! I was really down after the horrible ruling on the Voting Rights Act. But then the rulings against DOMA and California’s attack on same sex marriage, followed by the courage and tenacity of Sen. Davis lifted me up and made me hopeful again. The key now is to not lose momentum.
Here’s to maintaining our strength for all the upcoming battles.
You all have said it so well. Thank you. Go Peaches!
Thanks Peaches!