Here is something I like: Shaving my legs.
It’s not that I enjoy it, but it keeps people from thinking I’m a centaur.
Here is something I dislike: Rusty pink razors, clogged with soap sludge and hair goo.
And don’t act like you have never seen one. You know the drill – you finish shaving your legs then set the razor on the ledge with the shampoo and business and don’t you know, they just sit in their own soup and rust up and get clogged and nasty. The next day you go to shave your legs, find the thing of razor hair soup, then skip it altogether out of frustration. BAM – Now you are day closer to living as a centaur.
What to do? Get thy self a pan flute rubber band.
Rubber band + shower curtain ring = instant razor hanging doohicky.
Don’t have shower curtains? Don’t like rubber bands? Use a zip-tie around a door handle.
I doubt I’m the first person to think of this, but I feel very smart for discovering it all on my own.
Damn, Gina. We did good.
Why did I not think of this a hundred years ago? I have found that I can hang a thin-handled razor through the slats of the wire hanger shampoo caddy thing alright, but the ladies razors I like all have those bog pink rubber handles and slip around and fall in the tub. This will keep it nice and dry and away from the kiddos. Thanks for sharing!
You Are A GENIUS!!!!!!