This pineapple jack-o-lantern is rad yet really intimidating. I think he can see my soul.
No costume? Here is a simple step-by-step on how sugar skull yourself with face paint. (And a kid friendly version too!) Or what about some nifty Dollar store skeleton accessories? Remember the necklace I made last year? Yeah. It’s still creepy.
Ugly door + stickers = Yass!
Who has two thumbs, 176 scarves, and a trunk full of pompoms? This tutorial was meant for me.
A complete ranking of Mr. Darcy through the age of cinema.
The last of the Japanese mermaids. Fascinating.
Speaking of Japan: That time farts became arts.
This video of water transfer printing on a hubcap has me in a trance. I always wondered how they do that!
Imma need this Boo pumpkin on my porch.
Whitney English on staying creative.
Jenny Andrews Anderson, one of my favorite artists ever, is having a sale on her already more-than-reasonably priced work. More important (because it involves meeee!) itite promoted the sale on her blog (which is also amazing) using a picture of my patchwork pumpkins, which, were largely inspired by one of her prints hanging on my wall. I don’t think she had any idea I was such a fan, so I’m pretty stoked!
Two words: Lego flamingos.
Who needs spans when you can squeeze your ass into dinosaur shorts? Hell. Yes.
I have always wanted to try my hand at painted ceramics. These painted tiles from Crafty Chica have me thinking.
Problems that only 90s kids will understand.
Chicago, peeps! Al Capone’s old house is for sale. What do you think is in the basement? (nobody say “Geraldo.”)
Philadelphia’s Natural History Museum is having a chocolate exhibit. Someone needs to go for me, k?
Remember last week when I was freaking out about collage clay? Here is another example of how to use it: faux bricks…which makes me think about gingerbread houses. You could make the biggest, baddest gingerbread house, like, evurrr.
A table spread inspired by Beetlejuice? Yes please!
Sometimes I get flack for occasionally cursing on this blog, which I find hilarious because I have never met anyone who gets up in arms about swear words who can explain why the word they find offensive is designated as profanity. The fact is there are a lot of profane things going on every day that those same folks forget to give a crap about. Ahem.
Also, I made these no-sew pillows from store-bought napkins. Secret ingredient? Check it out on
Speaking of, they sent me samples from their new line of bottoms-up, always ready Tacky Glue. For someone like me, who uses Tacky Glue more frequently than toothpaste, this is more miraculous than that time I washed a bag of skittles in my jeans and they came out perfectly intact (and very tasty). Like I said, I lucked out because they sent me these as a preview, but you can find them near the checkout counter at Joann’s starting November 2, that is unless you live in Northern Illinois, in which case, you are going to have to fight me for them. Cage match!
THIS is the way to start a Monday, dammit. What a collection of sparkly goodness! That pineapple Jack ‘O is quite possibly the greatest incarnation I’ve ever seen. I’m the person who goes for the super scary, all-sharp-fang grimace on the biggest pumpkin I can find, so this version is beyond words.
There’s nothing wrong with good ‘ol curse words. They’ve been around a long time–if Shakespeare used ’em, then we can. That’s one of the things I like about you, Peaches–you say it like it is, using the verbiage you need to make your point.
Fart-art. I can’t even…words can’t describe…do not open link at work or loud guffaws of laughter will echo throughout office. Holy. Stinkin’. Moly.
Haha. Glad you appreciate, Deb 🙂