Before we get started, a shout out to all the folks following me on Instagram and Facebook who got the big news first. This secret has been hard to keep! If you are coming here looking for a detailed account of what I have been doing since last week, hang tight for a little longer. I need to get home, finish writing it up, then hold for White House approval. Until then, I’ll be sharing sharing snippets on social media. And believe me – there is so much to share!
So let’s just start with stating the obvious: tasteful Christmas decorations aren’t my thing.
Understated is one of the dirtiest words in my vocabulary. I say, go big or go home. IT’S CHRISTMAS. Even minimalists can take a break for some holiday hoopla! Each year, you’ll find multiple trees in my house, and very often there will be a theme (like my Bohemian Funk Granny Chic tree) but I also keep an ongoing ornament collection: birds. Knowing bird ornaments are so varied in color and texture, they sort of get lost on regular green trees and I have been longing for a metallic tree for years. So you can guess what happened when Treetopia contacted me about joining their 2015 Design Council trying out one of their metallic trees for myself.
As you can tell, my living room is two things: colorful and crammed. Not small; crammed. It is jam packed with my favorite things and I wouldn’t have it any other way, especially at Christmas! The furniture is laid out in a weirdly functional fashion, however, throwing in a big ol’ Christmas tree can pose a problem. The footprint of any Christmas tree (especially the real ones) requires a decent chunk of open space, and I just don’t have that in this room. Which is why I love THIS tree. I can put it on an end table, go right up to the ceiling, and everyone who walks in thinks there is an enormous tree in the room, but it actually doesn’t take up any space. And because it’s faux, the branches are universally strong, and you can really pack on the ornaments. Treetopia calls this their ‘slim cut’ style, but I think that’s there way of saying ‘minimal footprint.’ This tree has a lot of bounce to the ounce.
That blue door to the left of the tree opens inward to a closet, so really, the only thing sacrificed here is the end table. And I’m thinking its current post is a pretty good gig for an end table.
The ornaments are a mix of my most treasured birds and the flamingo ornaments you guys sent me in 2013. I toyed with the idea of doing a solo flamingo tree agin this year (last year’s was pretty cool) but I feared I would run out of time and space so let the birds and flamingos flock together this year.
I don’t think either party minds the mingling. And I don’t think the tree minds being covered with winged friends. As they say in Portlandia: PUT A BIRD ON IT.
Most of the ornaments on here are handmade, but there are a few store-bought, and a selection of vintage glass balls.
Because you know I love my balls…
Back to the tree…
Now that I see it all together, it’s hard to imagine this collection together on anything other than this particular metallic tree. And here is the weirdly awesome thing: it looks completely different with the lights on and off. Look!
Good thing metallics are neutral, right? Speaking of neutral…this is one of the things that make Treetopia trees stand out – the light strand is taupe. Not white, not green, not black: taupe. And there are a TON of them. And it comes with a stomper plug so you don’t have to bend over and deal with extension chords every time you want to turn in on and off. Another favorite: the stand. This stand is 10,000 times sturdier than most faux tree stands. I have had to toss or return several trees simply because the stand bent slightly so it never stood upright. This stand is built like a tank – it’s not going anywhere, which is one of the many reasons I love Treetopia and I was a customer long before they ever contacted me about this post!
Look at that. Full, lush branches. No trunk in sight. No weird smell. That’s a quality tree right there!
And oh look, here it is again…
Many thanks to Treetopia for making my metallic Christmas tree dreams happen, and thank YOU for supporting the brands that make this site possible. Merry Christmas to all!
Egads its gorgeous! The tree the light everything is so pretty as always. And, congrats on that secret! I can’t wait to hear all about it; just what I saw on instagram had me bragging about to you to a co-worker this morning.
Oh. My. Flying. Saucers! I was not in on the secret, can’t wait to hear the details!
p.s. the bird tree is wonderful! That little white owl is killing me with cuteness.
* L O V E I T * -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
You know i have been a snob about metallic trees. Had to be real or nothing.
But now i see how utterly wrong i have been all these years.
Now once again, issue of cat. That tree is irresistable to ME!!! I just want to jump in there and loll about all those birds. Will Louis the cat be dissuaded by perfume? Really? Cuz louis is tiny and cute and looks innocent but he used to be ferral and he is a THUG……
How do you keep Lola from eating the sparkly bits? This is the first year I’ve decorated and my cat is eating garland (ask me how I know).
I’m just lucky I guess – she doesn’t take much interest!
It feels like fun. I’m not into holidays except birthdays, but decorating anything for any reason and having fun is a really good thing, in my opinion.
It’s glorious! What a joy it must be to walk into the room!
Wish I had the bravery to decorate with so many colors and little accents.. it looks so beautiful! I’m afraid that if I do so my cat will ruin it all and in the end I’ll spend at least three days cleaning the house…
I have been making do with three or four mini trees (like, a foot high each) for the last few years because our house just doesn’t seem to have the space for a bigger one, but every year I look at your epic trees and lust in my heart. I am going to make this happen, one of these days. your bird collection is FABULOUS.
It’s Christmas time again, isn’t it? Your balls are fantastic, don’t worry :))