I decided to make some of my own wrapping paper this year. Now, normally I’m all for paint and glue and glitter, but sometimes it’s nice to keep it clean. Not that I’m not giving up my sparkle tooth anytime soon, folks. But when it’s the first week of December and I’m knee deep in glitter, sometimes a palate cleanser is required. Typography is a great place to start. By mixing the words from A Visit From Saint Nicholas (aka ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas) with Century Gothic, I got an interesting texture that was fun for all sorts of holiday niftyness.
Just for fun, I did another version with lyrics of old English Christmas Carols done up in a fancy pants old English font.
I made a PDF for both that you are welcome to use at home using any letter sized piece of paper you can fit in your printer. Click here to view the PDF.
I am weird about tape. I dislike the transparent stuff. For wrapping presents, I like to use double-stick to seal from the inside (hems folded, obv), or I like brightly colored tape to accent the presentation, or, I’ll use labels. Address labels are dirt cheap and work great for this purpose. Labels these days are great for so much more than envelopes!
So, I gave you are starting point but that’s no reason why you can’t make your own. If you can work a Word doc you can make these any which way you like. Have fun!
What a brilliant idea, thank you so much for sharing. Merry xmas and thanks for being part of mine and my families!
Great idea!
Change the text for a bit of Shakespeare or T S Elliot or Browning and it becomes Birthday etc paper!
Thanks so much for the wonderful idea!
Great idea!
Change the text for a bit of Shakespeare or T S Elliot or Browning and it becomes Birthday etc paper!
Thanks so much for the wonderful idea!
Great idea!
Change the text for a bit of Shakespeare or T S Elliot or Browning and it becomes Birthday etc paper!
Thanks so much for the wonderful idea!
Wonderful ideas. Thank you.
1) A straw mattress.
2) A portable platform on which goods can be moved, stacked, and stored, esp. with the aid of a forklift.
3) The diminutive of the pale, a narrow vertical strip, usually borne in groups of two or three.
wonderful idea. thank you for sharing! merry christmas!
Merry Merry to you as well!
Love the idea of using address labels…especially printed! Brilliant! I keep covering my clear tape with washi tape. Cute labels would be so much more efficient! As usual…you rock!
So simple and so pretty; thank you for the pdf! I confess, I once bought a book of Christmas carol sheet music from a charity shop and photocopied the bejesus out of it to use as gift-wrapping, paper ribbons and handmade Christmas cards. Have I been able to locate it this year? As my Nan used to say: “have I ‘eck as like.”
Years ago, JCrew made some cream colored pj bottoms printed in red with The Night Before Christmas. I still have them. Later they made the same thing with New Year’s Resolutions. Still have those. This post is very good looking, Peach.
Great idea. I have been into brown paper and twine and this would make a great addition.
love the address labels!
Nice! I particularly like the stars and text and polka dot ribbon. But I have a thing for stars and polka dots.
Oh how pretty and so clever! Thanks for the pdf! 🙂
Nice,…but I can’t work a Word Doc. I’ll get some help. I don’t really understand fonts. I think my favorite is similar to the NYTimes.
What beautiful examples of the giftwrappy arts! I love that it’s a palate cleanser – love it mixed with other wraps. Lovely post full of great ideas, Peaches!
Link to pdf isn’t working.
I fear the PDF hosting service expires after a time – sorry it is no longer availible.
Hello. I just found your website. Thank you for sharing so much. I too prefer to use double-sided tape for gift wrapping. I love your idea of Christmas just got fonty. As mentioned by above comment from Anonymous, the link to the pdf file is no longer available. Is it possible to get the pdf file emailed to me? Thank you.
Hi, sorry, as I mentioned above, the PDF expired a while ago and I no longer have the file. The good news is, it’s very easy to make your own — just open a word document, copy the lyrics of something one line….copy click paste, copy click paste. Good luck.
Thank you.