My friend Ann sent me a giant box crammed with roll upon roll of red, pink, and white ribbons. Most of them wired, half of them satin, all of them extraordinary.
Materials: Wired ribbon, a wreath base, hot glue. Boom.
- Start with at least 24″ of wired ribbon (sometimes called French ribbon).
- Using your fingers to pinch the wire at one end, push the ribbon toward the center. Repeat on the opposite end.
- Keep pushing and gathering until the the gathered seam is less than one third the original length0 (in this case, I started with 24″ and finished with 8″).
Now that you have the rose all rolled up, twist off the ends to keep it in shape so you can make a bunch more roses. For a 15″ wreath base, I used 35 roses. I could have gotten by with ten less, but it would have looked even cooler with ten more. It’s a matter of preference.