Do y’all know that song? It’s an oldy but a goody from Fats Domino (note to self: Fats Domino is excellent name for a small yippy dog)
it goes…
I found my thrill on blueberry hill
On blueberry hill when I found you
The moon stood still on blueberry hill
And lingered until my dreams came true
My dad used to play it all the time while looking downward and giggling to himself. It was weird. Like some inside joke between school girls. I thought it was odd how fond he was of some random song, but hey, sometimes it’s okay to see your parents acting goofy. Downright charming, even. Never thought much of it.
Years later I saw this PBS special about ‘Pioneers of Jazz’ or some business, and people were talking all about Blueberry Hill being the #1 make out song back when my dad was in high school. Apparently Blueberry Hill was some code name for Getting Busy.
Suddenly Dad doesn’t seem so charming after all.
Neither does the song, and yet I sing it in my head every summer when I get to go blueberry picking in Michigan. If you have never been, you really have to go. Southwest Michigan is called “The Hamptons of the Midwest”…except nicer. And cheaper. And no one plays polo. Or wears madras plaid. And there is no P Diddy white party. However, there is an over-abundance of Jimmy Buffet tribute bands and Church Lady fish boils, and, get this: parking violations are only $10.
Hot Dang you need to get your butt to Small Town Michigan!
So we took the 90 minute car ride to a fantastic family run U-Pick farm outside South Haven called DeGrandchamp’s (note to self #2: DeGrandchamp is another great name for a small yippy dog). South Haven is also home to the National Blueberry Festival, another August in Michigan pastime you won’t want to miss.
After 20 minutes in the orchard, two of us picked a whole bucket of gorgeous berries! Just look at them! Would you believe we got that whole bag for $4.00? Amazing. Now busy pouring over my favorite foodie blogs in search of new and exotic recipes. Blueberries are so good for you, I wonder if there is a way I can sneak them into unexpected stuff? Not just muffins or pie, but maybe, like, marinara sauce, or roast chicken, or peanut butter sandwiches.Hmmmm…….
I love that place. they have the best pumpkin patch next door, too!
Love the blueberries!!!! Can’t get enough of them. wish they came more often! need to check out that blueberry butter :O)
I just stumbled across your blog via design*sponge — just wanted to let you know how amazingly awesome it is! I can’t wait to try out the coffee filter flowers project.
Well I’m so glad you dropped by! And even more glad to hear you are going to try your hand at the filter flowers. Think you’ll like them. If you do, please send a picture–I would LOVE to see 🙂
Thanks Katy!