I like to paint.
You wouldn’t know it by the things I post on this blog, but I do. A lot. I like to paint big sloppy slabs of color layered onto canvases thick as peanut butter. It’s cathartic.
The only downer is they take forever to dry. Sometimes weeks. And regardless of where I put the thing, Lola will want to walk over it and before you know it the whole house is paw printed in Rembrandt Burnt Umber #27.
I have been looking at artist’s drying racks for year, but the starting price usually runs over $100, which, to my mind, seems excessive for an item that serves no purpose other than circulating air. So I made do with what I had; I turned a $12 Ikea dresser frame into a drying rack by substituting the wire basket drawers for simple sheets of corrugated plastic. (Click here for earlier post on where/how to obtain free corrugated plastic from old political signs).
I am pleased as punch.
I think I might set up a couple more of these in the basement – one to store some framed art (I can’t hang it all!), and the other I’ll swap the corrugated plastic and use those sheets of window screen—should be good for all those sweaters and such that need to dry flat. Am the only one who avoids buying hand-wash clothes because it’s too hard to find a place to let them dry? Oh wow I’m lazy.
Unrelated: As long as I am showing y’all a peek at my project room, I may as well show you where most of the stuff that I make on this blog gets it start, aka; The Wall o’ Crap. There are more of those Ikea drawers on the opposite wall as well. This is where crafts are born. Aww, sweet.
where did you get the shelves/structure for the drying rack? How much did it cost?
I don’t know what rocks more, the drying rack solution or that hysterically adorable “Happy Dance” figure you drew! 😉
Ahh, life’s little victories! how fun!
I like paintings that look like the paint has been applied with a popsicle stick. I painted a little wooden thing with home made vinegar and Karo syrup paint about twenty years ago, and I think it is Still Wet. I did take a class at the Museum of American Folk Art to learn the technique, but I overdid it with the Karo.
And that is no Wall of Crap. That is a Wall of Possibilities. I used to know a woman who made marionettes. She made them to look like people. She had walls of little boxes of stuff, like old leather gloves, string, fabric. An old glove can make a shoe for Elvis. We want to see your art. Your public awaits.
Great idea! Love the anti-Lola solution. Now. When will you show us a little, teeny, eeny sampling of your paintings? Purty please?
Where did you get the structure and wire baskets? How much was it? thanks!
Ikea. I have seen similar (but more expensive) at the Container store and home depot in the closet section.