Kiki went to a charity event this week and needed a purse to wear with her sweater dress. Nothing too sparkly. Nothing too casual. Just something to add some sass to basic black dress. I thought she should take this – an old purse I covered with felt flowers made from old sweaters a few winters back—but she went with something plain black and boring.
Snoozeville, Kiki. Snoozeville.
Oh well. I’ll find an excuse to use this purse again sometime before sweater season is over. It’s been in storage for years now, so even if I don’t wear it myself, I’ll feel better knowing its had a moment in the sun by sharing it here with you guys.
Sometimes I think having a blog is sort of like shoe shopping with thousands of friends; we all look at each others stuff and say “Shut. Up. That is so cute!” then scamper off to find a different pair of our own. And then, even if neither one of us actually buys or wears the shoes in question, we still had fun looking at what the other person picked out.
If anyone goes shoe shopping this weekend and sees some shoes to match my purse, holler back!
It is not for sale. Thanks.
how most does it cost
snoozeville, indeed! holy crap Peaches that clutch is amazeballs. I wish we were friends who lived nearby so I could borrow it from you All.The.Time.
I love it! Maybe she just didn’t have enough attitude to carry it off.
i agree with tracylee. amazeballs.
WHAT?!? How could you turn that down? Its adorable… and i love it. and i now want to cut apart all my colorful sweaters to attempt to re-create that wonder…
seriously too kute.
I can’t believe she turned it down, it is so freaking cute, but I suppose there is no accounting for taste. I can’t believe you let that thing just sit in storage – something as fabulous as that should be displayed while not in use so you can always revel in its glory.
It’s true. You could find all sorts of treasures to borrow anytime you wanted. I have a tiara made of fingernails that has your name written allllllll over it Tracy!
Shut. Up. That is so cute!
LOL True artistic sensibility is never appreciated. I saw you cover some shoes with those flowers, problem solved!
How fun and funny!
I demand pictures of the fingernail tiara. You have referenced this once before, but I thought you were kidding. We have seen the fingernail necklace. Would the tiara fit the kitty?
Would I kid about a fingernail tiara?! No –too big for Lola. It needs some patch work, but I’ll do it and photograph it. It’ll creep people out BIG TIME but I’ll do it!
You might be right about the shoes! Thanks Maggi 🙂
What a beautiful purse. If I was your friend I would have borrowed it even if I didn’t like it. I would have had my picture taken with the purse and then given you a copy. I just checked the post. BOTH sides are covered with flowers? You didn’t take the easy way out, did you? If you lived near me, we could have a sweater shrinking party and make more of these flowers. Is that you holding the purse?
No, Kiki modeled it. She is usually the model 🙂 She read the post and wants everyone to know she *DID NOT REJECT THE PURSE*…..she just thought the other one was a better choice. And she might be right on that. I feel confident she will find an occasion to use it now 🙂
I’m with you on the sweater shrinking party. They are so fun to make. And they give me something fun to hunt for in the thrift stores year round. I already have a stash ready to go…just need to sit down and do it!
That is awfully cute. I think it looks great with the jeans. I bet a pair of flats with one or two small flowers glued to the front would go great with it 🙂
Hi Peaches,
The purse is great. I’ve been a follower for a while now, but finally broke down and read all your posts from the beginning. Love your writing.
Heather M.
I would use that darling purse all the time! I love mixing my casual wardrobe with little touches of fancy. Black converse shoes are what I would pair it with although that’ s what I pair more than half my wardrobe with…
My goodness! All the way from the beginning? Not even I have ever done that. You are hard core, Heather. Hi five!
I love the richness of this purse! This is certainly a statement piece, and it does take a character to use it:-) It is adorable!
I would SO carry that purse!!!! I LOVE big, unusual, something NOONE else has! I just recently found your blog, (like a few days ago) and so far, girl I am LOVING all your projects!!! Especially the flowers :). SO, ok did you give instructions on the purse? Cuz I’ve deffinatly gotta make me one of these!